This morning I was combing Little T's hair and he asked me, "Mom, how fast is a bullet???" Me: "Pretty fast, I guess.." Then he followed that with..."I'LL BET IF A BULLET AND A ROADRUNNER RACED...IT WOULD BE A TIE....." :)
I had to agree with him....because that's what I was taught by Looney Tunes growing up.
You the dark ages.....when cartoons were good. ;)
(And....when you think about it a little too hard like I just did......when COYOTES had unlimited funds to pay to the Acme Corp. and buy all kinds of things....but couldn't pick up a take out menu and have 'Roadrunner A la Carte' delivered to him instead.) Hmmmmmm........
Enjoy this Saturday morning cartoon.....(I know it's not Saturday.....but we used to have wait all week for these to come on....weird, huh, kids???) :)
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Monday, October 10, 2011
One day last week, Little T and I found ourselves alone for a bit. Big T was at football practice. We had just dropped Coco off at marching practice. So we decided we needed a 'playground break'. We went to Little T's school playground, which happens to be the same elementary school I went to. Lots of great memories still hanging around there, by the way. :)
Today, T jumped on the swing and started telling me how his friend 'Had-e-lee' (he pronounced it that way) was 'a REALLY COOL GIRL' who could swing so high that she could touch the tree. So, I said, "Well, you could probably do that if you try really hard." And...he started trying. He got within inches....and wore himself out swinging that hard. :) We decided that he would try again next time and he'd probably do it with a little more practice.
(Sidenote.....That mulberry tree has been growing on that playground since I was his age. Glad it is watching over him like it watched over me.) :)
So next on the playground agenda was to swing the other way and jump out of the swing. I used to LOVE to do that, so I played photographer for the 'high jump'. :)

I only wish I had been on the other side to see his precious face. :)
I think next time we go to the playground...I need to try this too....Or...maybe that's not such a great idea. ;) Maybe just sitting under the tree....maybe just encouraging him is my job now...and watching that feeling of exuberance as he flies through the air as he jumps out. It's probably alot safer if I stay on the ground...right?? However...bummer. :(
I guess as long as he (or actually ALL my kids) LAND WELL.....I can watch....and be encouraging.....and be happy as long as they are......and be there to catch them if they fall.
Well played, Little T. Nice lesson you taught me....without even trying.....or maybe by trying really hard. :)
Always aim for your goals,
Monday, August 29, 2011
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Today, after dropping Little T off at daycare, my gas gauge ‘ding-ding-dinged’ and reminded me that I needed to dump some money into it. So I headed to the gas station with only a few minutes to spare before I was supposed to be at work. Now…in my defense…(and I WILL need defense later).. 99.9% of the time when I buy gas, I pay at the pump. Remember that. Please. It’s all I’ve got. ;)

Luckily…when I arrived at the gas station/convenience store…NO ONE was there. Just me and the clerk. Whew!!!! So, I walk in with my nice $50 bill in my hand and say…”I just messed up ROYALLY!!!” Then proceeded to explain to her that “I ALWAYS….ALWAYS!!! at the pump. I’m so sorry….” (I was ready to shed tears….if needed….) ;)

So, I smiled. Again…”I’m SO sorry!! But THANK YOU for praying!!!! It worked!!” She said….”Have a great day!”….I said.. “You too.” (I am SO glad God tapped me on the shoulder when He heard her prayer!) J
Now...please add into my defense the fact that I have been ‘head-cold sick’ for 5 days, and that ‘school supply shopping’ affected my brain a bit last night. Also….if it pleases the Court….let me add that 90% of the time, I have my kids with me when I’m getting gas, and WHEN I DO pay at the pump and then I start leaving…..and because he doesn’t see me pay like that….Big T usually says…”Mom, did you pay???” And I get to say “Yes…I used my card, Bud.” :)
I do have a conscience….he’s just usually sitting in one of my passenger seats. :)
Ummm…do me a favor? PLEASE don’t tell him about this. I will NEVER, EVER live it down. ;)
Sort-of-a-Rebel Mom G
Thursday, July 28, 2011
I got home from work today and sat down on the couch. Little T came in from playing outside, and riding his bike. I started talking to him and he was telling me about his day, and I kissed him on the forehead because, I thought he needed it. :)
I then said...." taste salty...
think it's bath night???" ;)
He came back with, ", I was eating
sour Skittles yesterday." :)
Wow....just when you think you've heard it all. :)
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Tonight Big T made supper. It was VERY entertaining and also the first time he's ever cooked a whole meal alone. (Yes..I stayed in the kitchen....and learned from the master and took care of the 'hot' things for him) :)
He first arranged the frozen shrimp 'just so' on the cookie sheet..."so they wouldn't touch each other"....loudly banged the butter off of the spoon into the bowl of corn and then salted it like a Japanese steak house chef (by clinking a spoon on the side of the salt shaker and making it 'ping' over and over). Well...that was fun to watch. :)
However...THEN he said...."We could try it 'old school' by baking the shrimp in the sun." He needs supervision, obviously. :)
Then when he was done...before we could eat, we had to call him
'Chef Tan-saki-man'....... :)
I think I'll hire him. But he requires REALLY big tips....he's saving for a go-cart. :)
Great job, Big about tomorrow night too? :)
P.S. Now he's tired.....and he WANTS cookies....but is too tired to make them....hmmmm......time for the under-study cook to take over or will he step up and finish the job??? My bet is that his tummy will rule and he'll do it. ;)
Saturday, July 23, 2011

Yesterday, Coco and I stopped at the convenience store closest to our house as we were running back home. I bought my huge, Sweet usual...she didn't want anything or wasn't thirsty....then we headed to the house to grab something for a ballgame that I was asked to bring.
I handed my tea to Coco and said.."Now don't drink that..." and smiled and ran in the house. I went inside, gathered what I needed (it took a few minutes), and headed back out to the car.
When I got back in, Coco handed me my big cup...I looked at it...shook it....held it up to my ear and said. "Two drinks." ;)
"WHHHATT??? HOW did you KNOW that?????" And she started laughing.
Me: "Because you have a Ninja Mom and I know ALL." ;)
P.S. Wonder if she'd like to play cards with me sometime??? ;)
Love you, are SO much fun!!! :) Thank you for always laughing with me.
Love, Mom
Thursday, June 2, 2011
Sunday, May 8, 2011
THANK YOU NOTE TO MY KIDS~~Mother's Day 2011
Thank you my child for teaching me how to be a parent.
Thank you for teaching me that you are a human being with needs, loves, hates, desires – just like me.
Thank you for teaching me to control myself.
Thank you for the opportunity to be at all events that you're involved in.
If they are important to YOU....they are important to ME. I am honored to be there and to watch you as you do your best.
Thank you for teaching me how to teach.
Thank you for giving me a hug.....just when I need it. I hope I am doing the same for you.
Thank you for giving me that huge smile, when I come to pick you from day care, or school. Thank you for being happy to see me....and know that I've missed you throughout the day.
Thank you for that big cry when I leave you there in the morning, that taught me how sad it is to separate when you don’t understand if I’ll be back.
Thank you for teaching me that what is obvious for me – is not at all for you, and thank you for teaching me how to be patient by explaining things over and over again.
Thank you for making me understand that you, just like me, don’t like certain foods – and it doesn’t mean you’re a “fussy eater”.
Thank you for teaching me that “tantrum” is an ugly word, and when you are in “that” mode – you’re simply very (very!) upset.
Thank you for making me feel so important – no matter how much I weigh and what I wear.
Thank you for calling me a 'cool mom'. :)
Thank you for teaching me to not listen to all those house-décor experts, and instead to be proud to hang all your drawings all over the house.
Thank you for teaching me the meaning of life, while I went to check your breathing at night....or now...that you're warm and comfortable.
Thank you for showing me that a day can be so so so wonderful just because it rained and “everything is so clean now" and that it "smells like God!”
Thank you for insisting that I sat with you and watched The Wizard of Oz (Coco) or Jay-Jay the Jet Plane (Big T), or The Little Rascals (Little T) over and over again when you were little – they are all precious moments from your childhoods.
Thank you for teaching me the true meaning of truth.
Thank you for teaching me that you are a human being with needs, loves, hates, desires – just like me.
Thank you for teaching me to control myself.
Thank you for the opportunity to be at all events that you're involved in.
If they are important to YOU....they are important to ME. I am honored to be there and to watch you as you do your best.
Thank you for teaching me how to teach.
Thank you for giving me a hug.....just when I need it. I hope I am doing the same for you.
Thank you for giving me that huge smile, when I come to pick you from day care, or school. Thank you for being happy to see me....and know that I've missed you throughout the day.
Thank you for that big cry when I leave you there in the morning, that taught me how sad it is to separate when you don’t understand if I’ll be back.
Thank you for teaching me that what is obvious for me – is not at all for you, and thank you for teaching me how to be patient by explaining things over and over again.
Thank you for making me understand that you, just like me, don’t like certain foods – and it doesn’t mean you’re a “fussy eater”.
Thank you for teaching me that “tantrum” is an ugly word, and when you are in “that” mode – you’re simply very (very!) upset.
Thank you for making me feel so important – no matter how much I weigh and what I wear.
Thank you for calling me a 'cool mom'. :)
Thank you for teaching me how to praise every little drawing you make, no matter how it looks – because it is so important to you.

Thank you for picking wildflowers for me...because you wanted to give me something pretty.
Thank you for EVERYTHING you create for me with your precious'I love you Mom' on post it notes.....they are ALL special to my heart.
Thank you for teaching me the meaning of life, while I went to check your breathing at night....or now...that you're warm and comfortable.
Thank you for showing me that a day can be so so so wonderful just because it rained and “everything is so clean now" and that it "smells like God!”
Thank you for insisting that I sat with you and watched The Wizard of Oz (Coco) or Jay-Jay the Jet Plane (Big T), or The Little Rascals (Little T) over and over again when you were little – they are all precious moments from your childhoods.
Thank you for teaching me the true meaning of truth.
Thank you for making me try to be perfect and good and honest, and although I know I will never be 100%, I still try – for you, because of you, just for you.
To my kids: Above all, thank you all for being patient with me.
I'm still learning too. Your happiness is my greatest gift.
I love you with all my heart and soul.......MOM <3 <3 <3
TO ALL OF YOU!!!!!!!!
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
This morning, I was making Little T's breakfast, and, in a hurry, I grabbed the first cup I could find in the cabinet for his milk.
Well, that cup happened to be 'Chip'.... You know...from 'Beauty & the Beast'. Coco got it as a souvenir when she was 4 at 'Beauty and the Beast On Ice." Okay it's been around about 11 years. But it has sentimental value, right?? ;)
'Cheers' to sentimental things...(I've gotta go find Chip)...... :)

I keep ALOT of stuff from their childhoods.
A whole LOT, obviously. Welcome to my world. :)
Back to this morning, I put the milk in 'Chip' and started to hand it to Little T, who started reaching for it and then pulled his hand back. "I can't drink out of THAT!!!" (Granted, he's a cute little plastic guy who MIGHT have gotten a little warm in the dishwasher once, but....)
"Why not????" I queried the 6 year old child.
"Because THAT used to be MY BATH CUP!!!" LOL
Well, he took it anyway (or maybe that's why he left his milk untouched this morning....Hmmmmm. Maybe I shouldn't tell him how many times he DID actually drink out of it...while bathing) LOL ;)
'Cheers' to sentimental things...(I've gotta go find Chip)...... :)
Friday, April 22, 2011
The other day I was in the grocery store with Big T. On a hanging rack...randomly, like by the cereal....were 3 'jacks' packages.
Now, when I say 'jacks'....I'll bet your mind doesn't immediately go to the elementary school playground, like mine does. However, I remember vividly, not being able to wait until recess so that we could go sit on the cement slab and play jacks.
So, since this memory returned to me when I saw those packages, I had to give that explanation to Big T when he asked..."What are those??"
Really?? Okay, well, he's a 11 year old boy involved in I have to forgive that question. So I was in the middle of explaining to him, while shopping, about how my elementary friends and I used to play jacks everyday on the playground, with METAL jacks and a bouncy ball. :)
Interestingly I was talking about it, a lady who was headed the other way on the same aisle, piped up in the middle of my explanation and said..."We used to play with metal jacks and a golf ball." Small discussion with her about our 'red bouncy' ball v. the golf ball.....either was pretty cool, I think. :)
I told you all this to say THIS.....I bought those three packages of jacks
(these are actually PLASTIC...but they'll have to do) for this weekend....
guess who's going to learn to play Mom's 'old school' game this weekend...??? :) :) :)
Here's to fond 'childhood memories' that sneak up on you in the cereal aisle.
G P.S. Anyone wanna play??? :)
Now, when I say 'jacks'....I'll bet your mind doesn't immediately go to the elementary school playground, like mine does. However, I remember vividly, not being able to wait until recess so that we could go sit on the cement slab and play jacks.
So, since this memory returned to me when I saw those packages, I had to give that explanation to Big T when he asked..."What are those??"
Really?? Okay, well, he's a 11 year old boy involved in I have to forgive that question. So I was in the middle of explaining to him, while shopping, about how my elementary friends and I used to play jacks everyday on the playground, with METAL jacks and a bouncy ball. :)
Interestingly I was talking about it, a lady who was headed the other way on the same aisle, piped up in the middle of my explanation and said..."We used to play with metal jacks and a golf ball." Small discussion with her about our 'red bouncy' ball v. the golf ball.....either was pretty cool, I think. :)
I told you all this to say THIS.....I bought those three packages of jacks
(these are actually PLASTIC...but they'll have to do) for this weekend....
guess who's going to learn to play Mom's 'old school' game this weekend...??? :) :) :)
Here's to fond 'childhood memories' that sneak up on you in the cereal aisle.
G P.S. Anyone wanna play??? :)
Monday, April 18, 2011
Friday, April 15, 2011
Sometimes, I fall into such a daily routine that I don’t think about where I’m headed….I just kind of get there somehow. Not that I’m not paying attention….it’s just like it’s so routine, I don’t have to think about it that much.
HOWEVER, there are those times, like the week after Spring Break, (when my schedule was suddenly back to normal…well, with a few adjustments) after a week of ‘lax time’.
My PRE-SPRING BREAK schedule was to take Little T to school. That’s was it. Coco and Big T rode with Dad….ever since the first day of school. But after Spring Break, Coco started riding with me because of her schedule change…no ‘early band’. SO, you also have to know that DURING Spring Break….I had one job……take Little T to ‘Little School’ for two days (that’s ‘daycare’ for you and I).
Now, Monday-morning-after-Spring-Break hits (uugghh)…and I load up Coco (High School student) and Little T (Elementary)….and start heading out. Somehow, my car ended up turning at the daycare street after about 5 minutes of driving. Coco says….”Where are you going?” I said, “I guess we’re going to daycare…” J Coco replies… “Mom, I CANNOT go to daycare today…..I HAVE A BIOLOGY TEST….” And we started giggling… J J
At which point, I started having a discussion with my car….. “See???? Where are YOU going???? She has a biology test…..Silly car!!!” And then we corrected the situation and went to the correct school. High School….not daycare. You’re welcome, Coco. <3
Now… forward to today. 9 months into the 10 month school year. You’d think the routine would be down pat. But….Little T who ALWAYS has his backpack on as he sits buckled in his seat EVERY morning……Did not have his backpack on today….He had thrown it in the floor, so that he could put his shoes on in the car, (even after several reminders to do this at home. ) Anyway, DID I mention he puts his backpack on AT HOME and is buckled in WITH it on his back….USUALLY???
So….Call from Dad…. “Mrs. S called….Little T forgot his backpack….He’s VERY upset.” Me: “HOW did he do that???”…..then I ran the morning through my little brain and knew what had happened.
I assume I should have checked to make sure that the routine was in tact. I did not. Second trip to school. Delivered the wayward backpack……Little T smiling again. So is Mom. And Mrs. S. The world is back on track. :)
So as you can see……I’m starting to think that my ‘auto-pilot’ is in need of tweaking….may need to install a new one. Mommy’s go full-speed ahead sometimes….well...most of the time. I think we need to throw in a few “STOP” signs along the way.....And maybe a few “BREATHE” signs as well.

"Slow down and enjoy life. It's not only the scenery you miss by going to fast -

"Slow down and enjoy life. It's not only the scenery you miss by going to fast -
you also miss the sense of where you are going and why."~~~Eddie Cantor
Wednesday, March 9, 2011

He explained about an artist, a musician, a barber/hairdresser, and some others.
My next question was, "So, what did you decide to be when you grow up?"
"T, I am your MOTHER!" ;)

Wednesday, February 9, 2011
As I was fixing dinner tonight, Little T was looking in the cabinets for a snack. He settled on a Oatmeal Creme Pie. In a little bit, he said..."You know......this isn't REALLY a PIE!!!!" LOL
So, Mom's brain started tickling a little. I went to What means by a pie? (I know....I picked the question...I did not form that sentence) :/ Answer: A pie is pastry filled with fruit, veggies or meat.
He's right. It's not....REALLY. He thinks of pie as something sweet with a crust. And I'm not really sure he would understand PIZZA PIE, or MINCE MEAT PIE, or even CHICKEN POT PIE.
But they DO fit the definition. And here's another one..RHUBARB PIE...Rhubarb being a dried, bitter-tasting rhizome used as a laxative. (Sounds yummy, huh??)
Now.....maybe at some point.....I'll introduce the concept of "Pi".......but not for awhile....he's only 6.
Anyone hungry???? :)
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Well....we've been fighting the 'bug' for two weeks now.....Little T is about to go nuts from cabin fever. However, today, after several days of earache....I ventured to work with him in tow, because I wasn't absolutely sure he was 'school' ready yet. He hasn't been 'himself' much at all....lots of sleep...and finally got rid of the awful earache pain. But today, I found out that with all this R & R....his ORNERY TANK is once again FULL. :)
When he looking for a snack last night....
He doesn't even like gummy bears..... ;)When I went to work today, we had to haul his 'wrestlers' and his 'wrestling ring' to work, so he'd have something to do...but then he says, "I need a bigger ring....they all won't fit." Mom comes up with the 'new' concept of Tag-Team wrestling!!!! "Like on TV." :)
He found my giant bubble wrap at work. "OH...CAN I POP THIS???" Me: (Because there are other people in the building)..."It's too loud...I don't think so."
T: "How about if I POP IT QUIETLY???"
LOLHere's a jewel........."Mom....I want some fried oyster skins.".....(WHAT????)
During our bank run to a couple of different places...."How come that bank didn't give me a sucker???"
(So, I bought him a bag of Dum-Dums rather than drive all the way across town to the bank that DOES give out suckers.....) Then he says...."I think this bag of suckers is making me sick." Me: "Why?"
T: "It smells funny." (Yeah...I don't know either....oh battle??...but I now have a WHOLE sack of suckers to myself....hehehe!)

THEN....he entertained himself by poking the air conditioner vent with a stick...while saying..."But I'm NOT DOING NOTHING!!"
Also, while we were in the car, he announces..."I'm a creative person!!!"
(I had no idea....really. :)

I believe school is in order tomorrow....Don't you?? :)
"Mommy needs a nap now",
Monday, January 10, 2011

This weekend, I was driving down the main street of our town with the boys and Big T was sitting pretty quietly in the passenger seat.
We passed by CVS, and his 10 year old brain read an advertisement on their sign out front.
He said, "BUMBLE BEE tuna???? That sounds gross!!!" (Laughing here....MOM)
THEN.....we continued driving a few blocks more and he came across an announcement on the McDonald's sign. He read,
"Now serving OATMEAL"....."WHY?????"
(More laughing from me here....)
Maybe I should stick some sports books in the car, for more enjoyable reading material.
;) G
WOW.....I just found this song by Lady Antebellum. Please listen to it.....this year needs to be different. I'm trying EVERYTHING in my power to make it that way.
All my best, G
Saturday, January 1, 2011
Tonight at supper, I was "discussing" with the boys that they needed to take a shower tonight. Little T was a bit obstinate about that situation.
Being the analytical 6 year old child that he's a math problem that he came up with to argue with me.....
Fact 1: I said.."You haven't taken a shower TODAY."
Fact 2: He said....."But I took a shower THE DAY AFTER YESTERDAY!!!!"
Query: What is the sum of all the products?
Write your answer in simplest form. :)
P.S. I won this math contest.
Being the analytical 6 year old child that he's a math problem that he came up with to argue with me.....
Fact 1: I said.."You haven't taken a shower TODAY."
Fact 2: He said....."But I took a shower THE DAY AFTER YESTERDAY!!!!"
Query: What is the sum of all the products?
Write your answer in simplest form. :)
P.S. I won this math contest.
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