Monday, January 10, 2011


This weekend, I was driving down the main street of our town with the boys and Big T was sitting pretty quietly in the passenger seat. 
We passed by CVS, and his 10 year old brain read an advertisement on their sign out front.
He said, "BUMBLE BEE tuna????  That sounds gross!!!"   (Laughing here....MOM)

THEN.....we continued driving a few blocks more and he came across an announcement on the McDonald's sign.   He read,
"Now serving OATMEAL"....."WHY?????"  
(More laughing from me here....)

Maybe I should stick some sports books in the car, for more enjoyable reading material. 
;)   G


WOW.....I just found this song by Lady Antebellum.   Please listen to it.....this year needs to be different.   I'm trying EVERYTHING in my power to make it that way.
All my best,  G

Saturday, January 1, 2011


Tonight at supper, I was "discussing" with the boys that they  needed to take a shower tonight.  Little T was a bit obstinate about that situation.

Being the analytical 6 year old child that he's a math problem that he came up with to argue with me.....

Fact 1:  I said.."You haven't taken a shower TODAY."

Fact 2:  He said....."But I took a shower THE DAY AFTER YESTERDAY!!!!"

Query:  What is the sum of all the products? 

Write your answer in simplest form.  :)

P.S.  I won this math contest.