Thank you for teaching me that you are a human being with needs, loves, hates, desires – just like me.
Thank you for teaching me to control myself.
Thank you for the opportunity to be at all events that you're involved in.
If they are important to YOU....they are important to ME. I am honored to be there and to watch you as you do your best.
Thank you for teaching me how to teach.
Thank you for giving me a hug.....just when I need it. I hope I am doing the same for you.
Thank you for giving me that huge smile, when I come to pick you from day care, or school. Thank you for being happy to see me....and know that I've missed you throughout the day.
Thank you for that big cry when I leave you there in the morning, that taught me how sad it is to separate when you don’t understand if I’ll be back.
Thank you for teaching me that what is obvious for me – is not at all for you, and thank you for teaching me how to be patient by explaining things over and over again.
Thank you for making me understand that you, just like me, don’t like certain foods – and it doesn’t mean you’re a “fussy eater”.
Thank you for teaching me that “tantrum” is an ugly word, and when you are in “that” mode – you’re simply very (very!) upset.
Thank you for making me feel so important – no matter how much I weigh and what I wear.
Thank you for calling me a 'cool mom'. :)
Thank you for teaching me how to praise every little drawing you make, no matter how it looks – because it is so important to you.

Thank you for picking wildflowers for me...because you wanted to give me something pretty.
Thank you for EVERYTHING you create for me with your precious'I love you Mom' on post it notes.....they are ALL special to my heart.
Thank you for teaching me the meaning of life, while I went to check your breathing at night....or now...that you're warm and comfortable.
Thank you for showing me that a day can be so so so wonderful just because it rained and “everything is so clean now" and that it "smells like God!”
Thank you for insisting that I sat with you and watched The Wizard of Oz (Coco) or Jay-Jay the Jet Plane (Big T), or The Little Rascals (Little T) over and over again when you were little – they are all precious moments from your childhoods.
Thank you for teaching me the true meaning of truth.
Thank you for making me try to be perfect and good and honest, and although I know I will never be 100%, I still try – for you, because of you, just for you.
To my kids: Above all, thank you all for being patient with me.
I'm still learning too. Your happiness is my greatest gift.
I love you with all my heart and soul.......MOM <3 <3 <3
TO ALL OF YOU!!!!!!!!