One day last week, Little T and I found ourselves alone for a bit. Big T was at football practice. We had just dropped Coco off at marching practice. So we decided we needed a 'playground break'. We went to Little T's school playground, which happens to be the same elementary school I went to. Lots of great memories still hanging around there, by the way. :)
Today, T jumped on the swing and started telling me how his friend 'Had-e-lee' (he pronounced it that way) was 'a REALLY COOL GIRL' who could swing so high that she could touch the tree. So, I said, "Well, you could probably do that if you try really hard." And...he started trying. He got within inches....and wore himself out swinging that hard. :) We decided that he would try again next time and he'd probably do it with a little more practice.
(Sidenote.....That mulberry tree has been growing on that playground since I was his age. Glad it is watching over him like it watched over me.) :)
So next on the playground agenda was to swing the other way and jump out of the swing. I used to LOVE to do that, so I played photographer for the 'high jump'. :)

I only wish I had been on the other side to see his precious face. :)
I think next time we go to the playground...I need to try this too....Or...maybe that's not such a great idea. ;) Maybe just sitting under the tree....maybe just encouraging him is my job now...and watching that feeling of exuberance as he flies through the air as he jumps out. It's probably alot safer if I stay on the ground...right?? However...bummer. :(
I guess as long as he (or actually ALL my kids) LAND WELL.....I can watch....and be encouraging.....and be happy as long as they are......and be there to catch them if they fall.
Well played, Little T. Nice lesson you taught me....without even trying.....or maybe by trying really hard. :)
Always aim for your goals,