Thursday, March 1, 2012


This morning, as I was pulling up to Little T's school to drop him off, there was a girl walking up the long sidewalk which also led to the same front door of the school.   As she walked across on the cross-walk in front my car, I told Little T, "You need to hold the door open for that little girl." 
Little T:  "Why?"    Big T:  "Just do it." 

So, Little T saunters up to the door, luckily barely before the little girl gets there.  He pulls open the door with a 'rolling-the-eyes' look at me and Big T in the car.  
We made sure we were still there before leaving, to make sure he did it.  ;)  
We smiled and waved really big, and I gave him a 'thumbs-up', which in 'Mom-to-sports-kid talk' is "GREAT JOB!!!" 
(It's one of our 'signs'....)  :)    

Luckily, SHE didn't see that look he gave us, and his 'chivalry act' was still intact.  :)    I hope he made her heart smile.   I know mine did.   

Thank you for your help, Big T.....glad to know these lessons aren't going unnoticed.  You are an awesome example as a big brother.  <3

Here's to bringing back 'Chivalrous Acts'.....
one step at a time....
one door at a time....
one 'crazy-Mom-look' at a time...
G   :)


Sunday, January 8, 2012


I don't remember, when I was young, even knowing about or being concerned with insurance....or real world stuff....maybe because the commercials weren't pounded into our heads then....on every channel.....or maybe because we ONLY had 4 channels.
< I can hear my kids do a 'gasp' when they read that... ;) >  


This morning, after seeing several Allstate Insurance commercials,
Little T said to Big T..."You don't HAVE to get Allstate...." 
Big T said, "We don't have Allstate."
Little T, "Well, what do we have????"
Big T, "Geico."

Little T....smiling big..."Oh.... so WE get to MEET that LIZARD!!!!"  :)

(I hope so...I think that 'lizard' is hilarious!!!   :D   G

Thursday, November 3, 2011


This morning I was combing Little T's hair and he asked me, "Mom, how fast is a bullet???"  Me:  "Pretty fast, I guess.."   Then he followed that with..."I'LL BET IF A BULLET AND A ROADRUNNER RACED...IT WOULD BE A TIE....."     :)  

I had to agree with him....because that's what I was taught by Looney Tunes growing up. 
You the dark ages.....when cartoons were good.   ;)

(And....when you think about it a little too hard like I just did......when COYOTES had unlimited funds to pay to the Acme Corp. and buy all kinds of things....but couldn't pick up a take out menu and have 'Roadrunner A la Carte' delivered to him instead.)   Hmmmmmm........

Enjoy this Saturday morning cartoon.....(I know it's not Saturday.....but we used to have wait all week for these to come on....weird, huh, kids???)  :)

Monday, October 10, 2011


One day last week, Little T and I found ourselves alone for a bit.   Big T was at football practice.   We had just dropped Coco off at marching practice.   So we decided we needed a 'playground break'.   We went to Little T's school playground, which happens to be the same elementary school I went to.  Lots of great memories still hanging around there, by the way.  :)

Today, T jumped on the swing and started telling me how his friend 'Had-e-lee' (he pronounced it that way) was 'a REALLY COOL GIRL' who could swing so high that she could touch the tree.  So, I said, "Well, you could probably do that if you try really hard."  And...he started trying.  He got within inches....and wore himself out swinging that hard.  :)   We decided that he would try again next time and he'd probably do it with a little more practice. 

(Sidenote.....That mulberry tree has been growing on that playground since I was his age.   Glad it is watching over him like it watched over me.)  :)

So next on the playground agenda was to swing the other way and jump out of the swing.   I used to LOVE to do that, so I played photographer for the 'high jump'. :) 
I only wish I had been on the other side to see his precious face.  :)

I think next time we go to the playground...I need to try this too....Or...maybe that's not such a great idea.  ;)   Maybe just sitting under the tree....maybe just encouraging him is my job now...and watching that feeling of exuberance as he flies through the air as he jumps out.   It's probably alot safer if I stay on the ground...right??  However...bummer.  :(  

I guess as long as he (or actually ALL my kids) LAND WELL.....I can watch....and be encouraging.....and be happy as long as they are......and be there to catch them if they fall.  

Well played, Little T.   Nice lesson you taught me....without even trying.....or maybe by trying really hard.  :)  

Always aim for your goals,

Thursday, August 18, 2011


Today, after dropping Little T off at daycare, my gas gauge ‘ding-ding-dinged’ and reminded me that I needed to dump some money into it.   So I headed to the gas station with only a few minutes to spare before I was supposed to be at work.  Now…in my defense…(and I WILL need defense later).. 99.9%  of the time when I buy gas, I pay at the pump.  Remember that.  Please.  It’s all I’ve got.  ;)

Now…...I pumped my gas and started toward work, but then I pulled up in the parking lot and looked down at my console where the nice, crisp $50 bill was lying, with which I was going to pay for my gas.   <WHAT?????>   Panic…yes!….back out of the parking lot….ok, not so slowly….eek!!!…and headed back across town to the gas station where… (because my guilt-ridden mind is going crazy!!!...) .....I expect the police to have already been called because of the ‘blonde renegade in the Yukon  just ‘jacked’ gas'.  :/

Luckily…when I arrived at the gas station/convenience store…NO ONE was there.  Just me and the clerk.  Whew!!!!  So, I walk in with my nice $50 bill in my hand and say…”I just messed up ROYALLY!!!”   Then proceeded to explain to her that “I ALWAYS….ALWAYS!!! at the pump.  I’m so sorry….”   (I was ready to shed tears….if needed….)  ;)

Now…here’s the odd part…..she was smiling.   Yeah….crazy, huh???  She had a piece of paper in her hand and she said “I was just writing down that I missed this….and I was PRAYING that that person would show back up and pay…I just kept praying they would.”…..More smiling…… Then, she got contagious.  
So, I smiled.  Again…”I’m SO sorry!!  But THANK YOU for praying!!!!  It worked!!”    She said….”Have a great day!”….I said.. “You too.”       (I am SO glad God tapped me on the shoulder when He heard her prayer!)  J

Now...please add into my defense the fact that I have been ‘head-cold sick’ for 5 days, and that ‘school supply shopping’ affected my brain a bit last night.   Also….if it pleases the Court….let me add that 90% of the time, I have my kids with me when I’m getting gas, and WHEN I DO pay at the pump and then I start leaving…..and because he doesn’t see me pay like that….Big T usually says…”Mom, did you pay???”   And I get to say “Yes…I used my card, Bud.”  :)   
I do have a conscience….he’s just usually sitting in one of my passenger seats.  :)

Ummm…do me a favor?   PLEASE don’t tell him about this.  I will NEVER, EVER live it down.  ;)

Sort-of-a-Rebel Mom G 

Thursday, July 28, 2011


I got home from work today and sat down on the couch.  Little T came in from playing outside, and riding his bike.       I started talking to him and he was telling me about his day, and I kissed him on the forehead  because, I thought he needed it. :)  

I then said...." taste salty...
think it's bath night???"  ;)

He came back with, ", I was eating
 sour Skittles yesterday."  :)
Wow....just when you think you've heard it all.  :)