Thursday, March 1, 2012


This morning, as I was pulling up to Little T's school to drop him off, there was a girl walking up the long sidewalk which also led to the same front door of the school.   As she walked across on the cross-walk in front my car, I told Little T, "You need to hold the door open for that little girl." 
Little T:  "Why?"    Big T:  "Just do it." 

So, Little T saunters up to the door, luckily barely before the little girl gets there.  He pulls open the door with a 'rolling-the-eyes' look at me and Big T in the car.  
We made sure we were still there before leaving, to make sure he did it.  ;)  
We smiled and waved really big, and I gave him a 'thumbs-up', which in 'Mom-to-sports-kid talk' is "GREAT JOB!!!" 
(It's one of our 'signs'....)  :)    

Luckily, SHE didn't see that look he gave us, and his 'chivalry act' was still intact.  :)    I hope he made her heart smile.   I know mine did.   

Thank you for your help, Big T.....glad to know these lessons aren't going unnoticed.  You are an awesome example as a big brother.  <3

Here's to bringing back 'Chivalrous Acts'.....
one step at a time....
one door at a time....
one 'crazy-Mom-look' at a time...
G   :)


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