Thursday, December 30, 2010


or Cliff Notes version of  "How to Freak Out a 6 year old"  :)

1.  While you're in the pharmacy drive-up line, make sure your child has his cute little hand out the window, feeling the
end-of-December dust storm blowing through precious little his fingers.

2.   Make a feeble attempt at cleaning the dirt off your windshield with the water sprayer and wiper blades.

3.  Hit it several times, which will
allow it to shoot up and over the top of the car, and come down on the moon roof AND his little hand.

4.  Wait patiently for the "'s RAINING!!!!"

5.  Giggle.  :)

Good times for all.  (Especially the Mommy who was bored).  ;)


Kindness is the greatest wisdom.~~Author Unknown

Of all the gifts that I received this Christmas, Little T actually gave me the one that I should be able to use for the rest of my life.

Here's the package that he wrapped it in:

We were delivering a Christmas gift to our elderly neighbor lady, Mrs. S, who is in her 90's.  She LOVES seeing the kids and tells them all the time how much they've grown (which they love...especially Little T)...and ALWAYS has a smile on her face.  We've known her about 11 years and I've NEVER heard her say anything that isn't pleasant.  :)

After we received our hugs goodbye, we were walking out to the car.   Little T was ahead of me and turned around and said...."She's very KINDFUL, isn't she??"       I said..."Yes...she is."   :)

And right then and there.....I found a most heart-warming word to add to my vocabulary and that I could give as a gift to you.  Pass It On, if you will.  We can all use this....daily.

So, since I'm sort of a 'word-nerd', here is my definition of Little T's word....

KINDFUL:  No entries in the way.....
Combination of......
1.  heedful, thoughtful.
1.  of a good or benevolent nature or disposition, as a person: a kind and loving person.
2. having, showing, or proceeding from benevolence: kind words.
3. indulgent, considerate, or helpful; humane (often fol. by to ): to be kind to animals.
4. mild; gentle; clement: kind weather.
5. loving; affectionate.



1.  To be filled with a loving, indulgent, considerate helpfulness. 

2.  Full of a good-natured disposition; thoughtful, mild, gentle.

My New Year's resolution....possibly the only one I might actually to take this word to heart and use it and live it everyday. 
I only ask you to pass it on.  If we had a more 'kindful' world.....we could all rest a little easier, right? 

P.S.   Thank you, Little T!  That was a well-chosen gift.  Love, Mom


Thursday, December 23, 2010


Hello to all who read our blog....
I wanted to present you with a little gift that I found at Kohls.   I didn't know all your sizes and I doubt they would've had that many in you'll have to use your imagination a bit and just 'believe' that it fits perfectly.  :)   
In the New Year....if all I ever do for you is make you smile even ONCE....Happy is the giver.  :)
Wear a smile - one size fits all.  ~ G & K

Enjoy.....wear it often.  It looks great on you. 
but above all .......

A smile is the light in the window of your face that tells people you're at home.  ~Author Unknown

If you don't have a smile, I'll give you one of mine.  ~Author Unknown

Smile - sunshine is good for your teeth.  ~Author Unknown

If you smile when no one else is around, you really mean it.  ~Andy Rooney

And from my all time favorite Christmas movie.........
"Smiling is my favorite!!!!"~~Buddy (from the movie 'Elf')

Saturday, December 18, 2010


As our family started the Christmas rounds today.....our first stop was Christmas with my Dad's side with my Grandmother.  We gather as a group, eat, visit and then have 'Chinese Christmas'....first the women, then the men.  (Ladies first, ya know.) ;)  

If you don't know what this entails....everyone brings a present, then they are put in the middle and everyone sits in a circle and you draw numbers to see who picks first and so on.  As you go in order, you have the choice of picking a new present or taking someone elses, until the last person in the game goes...which is always number 1 again, and who gets to choose from everything. 
(P.S.  That was me this year.....I was VERY nice and kept what I had..because I LOVE fuzzy blankets.)  :)

I said all that to say this....... Big T started playing the Chinese Christmas present game with the men this year, because he's 10.  I was going to let
Little T do it also, but as I started explaining the rules to him, he started looking around and said...."YEAH, BUT I DON'T SEE ANY CHINESE PEOPLE HERE YET."  ROFL!!!!

Okay, Little T....maybe next year.   Here's a present for you to open.  Game over.  :)

Merry Christmas to all of you.....wherever you travel this season.....
Be safe.  G

Friday, December 17, 2010


One Big Happy Classics

I'm going Christmas shopping and all the other 'last-minute shoppers'... my mental stability after today will be questionable at I need to send out wishes early. 

Tuesday, December 14, 2010


Okay...this didn't occur in my house.....but I had to share.... :)

I was doing dishes today and heard my 4 year old say very matter-of-factly to her buddy, “This sucks.”  I quickly rounded the corner to see them “repairing” the toy vacuum.   And yes, the part they were repairing does do the sucking….Whew.  ;)

Used by permission from my husband's cousin.....
OR my cousin-in-law?????    
Anyway, Thanks to 'Bird' & 'Lil Goober'!!! 
G  :)

Monday, December 13, 2010


In The Wizard of Oz....there is a quote that goes.."Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain!!!"     Well.....Our 'man behind the curtain' who we refer to as the Cupcake having a birthday today.    This is kinda how he goes about things....with no acknowledgement of his abilities......behind the curtain.  However, without him, this blog probably would not exist. 
He handled the 'cupcake control tower' for us....setting up the blog, training us on how to do EVERYTHING....making sure we didn't 'crash and burn'......which is an on-going process if you know us.  ;) our Cupcake Wizard and very good friend, Mike......HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!   YOU DESERVE ALL THE BEST...because that's what you dish out to everyone else. :)  Kinda like ice cream.  Okay, we'll have that and cupcakes next time you're around. 
A most delicious 'Happy Birthday' from the Cupcake Factory!!!   Thank you for giving us our 'Ruby Slippers' and remember.....THERE'S NO PLACE LIKE HOME!!!!! 
G & K

Sunday, December 5, 2010


This morning in church 'Mrs. G' presented the Children's message during service.   One of the things that she gave out after the message was a sheet of paper with 'The Legend of the Candy Cane' on it and a small candy cane attached.   Her directions to the kids were..."You can't eat the candy cane until AFTER you've read the story...and if you can't read yet...your Mom or Dad can read it to you." 

Little T IMMEDIATELY brought his paper back to where we were sitting and crawled up in my lap....and started reading me the story...out the service was starting.   Luckily, there was a video going on at the same time.  He read the complete story....and then..."CAN I HAVE MY CANDY CANE NOW??"    And, yes....he got to have it.  After all, he did as he was asked, right??? ;)

BTW....he LOVES candy canes.  We can't keep them on the tree or he'd eat every one of them. 

Here is a version of the story that he read to me in church.   In itself, it is a great message.  

A long time ago, a candymaker in Indiana made the Christmas candy cane to tell the real Christmas story.  He chose pure white candy for the virgin birth and to remind us that Jesus is sinless. He made the candy hard so it would remind us that Jesus is the solid rock and that all God's promises are solid.

The candymaker made the candy in the shape of a "J" to remind us of Jesus who came to Earth as a baby and became our Savior.

Then the candymaker added stripes. Real candy canes have three small stripes for the blood Jesus shed for us before he went to the cross and a big stripe for the blood Jesus shed on the cross so we could have eternal life.

Jesus came at Christmas to make a way for us to go to heaven to be with him forever.

And now that we've read the story should have one too. 