Thursday, November 3, 2011


This morning I was combing Little T's hair and he asked me, "Mom, how fast is a bullet???"  Me:  "Pretty fast, I guess.."   Then he followed that with..."I'LL BET IF A BULLET AND A ROADRUNNER RACED...IT WOULD BE A TIE....."     :)  

I had to agree with him....because that's what I was taught by Looney Tunes growing up. 
You the dark ages.....when cartoons were good.   ;)

(And....when you think about it a little too hard like I just did......when COYOTES had unlimited funds to pay to the Acme Corp. and buy all kinds of things....but couldn't pick up a take out menu and have 'Roadrunner A la Carte' delivered to him instead.)   Hmmmmmm........

Enjoy this Saturday morning cartoon.....(I know it's not Saturday.....but we used to have wait all week for these to come on....weird, huh, kids???)  :)