Memory is a child walking along a seashore. You never can tell what small pebble it will pick up and store away among its treasured things. ~Pierce Harris, Atlanta Journal
I went and found this quote because I remembered reading it awhile back. I'm a 'treasured' things person.....I can find a pretty rock on a dirt road and want to keep it. Mainly because I think you should keep things around you that make you happy. Things that make you smile. Even if it's a little green dolphin that was given to you by your son from a 25 cent toy machine at a restaurant, "Because you like dolphins, Mom." :-) Have a memorable day....G
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Thursday, September 23, 2010
"You were created to be loved. To live as if you were unloved is like clipping a bird's wings and removing its ability to fly. Pain clips our wings and keeps us from flying; and if left unresolved, we can almost forget that we were created to fly in the first place."
I borrowed this quote from a friend because I truly believe it. (The quote is from the book, 'The Shack'.--Thank you, AG!!)
We not only should teach our kids to fly.....but also ourselves sometimes, because we deserve it. Then, we have to hope for the best, and somewhere at the end...with God's help...we'll accomplish our dreams, if we have diligence and 'heart-felt' passion to attain whatever goal we wish.
NOW.....because I can't leave this without something 'upbeat'...
Here ya go...Another favorite of mine:
NOW.....GO FLY!!!
I borrowed this quote from a friend because I truly believe it. (The quote is from the book, 'The Shack'.--Thank you, AG!!)
We not only should teach our kids to fly.....but also ourselves sometimes, because we deserve it. Then, we have to hope for the best, and somewhere at the end...with God's help...we'll accomplish our dreams, if we have diligence and 'heart-felt' passion to attain whatever goal we wish.
NOW.....because I can't leave this without something 'upbeat'...
Here ya go...Another favorite of mine:
NOW.....GO FLY!!!
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Wow....I think this dog needs to give obedience classes.
In Jesus' name...Amen.
By the night last week Big T was saying our dinner prayer...and at the end, Little T asked me..."IS Jesus' name AMEN????" LOL
Enjoy, and 'fill your bowl' with prayer today...oh.....and don't chase the neighbors cat!!!
I found this while looking for a 'cat' picture....I'll name it "How To Be A True Friend". :-)
Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Okay...before I start this story have to watch this....even if you've seen it before...please watch. It's a favorite of the "Cupcake Factory" :-)
Hilarious...huh???? My kids love this commercial too...they laugh SO hard when they see it.
Last night, the boys and I had gone to pick up Coco at band practice.....on the way home driving down the highway, they decide to roll their windows down (for fresh air or whatever..I'm going with 'whatever') and Big T leans his head out the window and starts yelling "WEE, WEE, WEE!!!!" Then he says, "I need some pinwheels!!!!" loudly as I'm driving. THEN the Coco and Little T start doing the same thing. Luckily, we weren't far from our house. It was extra loud in our car this whole time.
Now, I had you watch the video for one reason. Did you see the look and the tone of voice in that Mom's face when she FINALLY got to 'Max's' house??? Well, multiply that times 3 for me last night.
I have never been happier to pull in the driveway.....And to go lock myself in my room for a bit. I plan on keeping the 'little piggies' in my car from bringing their imaginary 'pinwheels' from now on.
;-) "Mrs. G"
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Today after Little T's first flag football game of the season, he requested a celebratory gourmet meal at....McDonald's. No surprise...He's loves his chicken nuggets!!!
I'm pretty sure 99.9999% of girl meal toys from McDonald's PROBABLY have pink on them. Trying to please everyone, ya know. They underestimated this one. I guess they aren't all 'cookie cutter kids'. ;-)
So we get our food and sit down....first thing out of the Happy Meal is his toy. A skateboard. Not just a skateboard, a 'Clone Wars' skateboard with a picure of Obe Wan Kinobi on the bottom. Okay...he's my favorite too. We're both happy. But I'm mainly happy because I don't have to put anything together. I am not good at all. I usually have to hand an 'assembly required' toy to Big T. "Help me please, and tell me what this is supposed to do." (Which he does...thank goodness!!! :-)
Also we were sitting close to a VERY busy Mom with adorable 3 year old little twin girls and a 5 year old son. She's rapidly handing out Happy Meals and assembling their meals in front of them....(been there, done that)...So she hands the girls the toys out of their Happy Meals and one of them starts crying. "I DON'T WANT THAT!!!" and threw it down on the floor. Mom picks it up and calmly explains that it's the only toy they have right now and places it back in front of her. My thought was that maybe they had run out of 'girl' toys and had given her the wrong one, the unwanted 'boy' toy, but no. As we were leaving, they were discussing the toy and Mom was saying..."They only have pink ones for girls." She didn't like it because it was PINK. LOL

My suggestion.....put a book in their Happy Meals. If I was getting a Happy Meal....that would make me VERY happy. ....and it's educational...and requires their little brains to develop. Rather than giving them little plastic, mindless toys that their Moms can't figure out and that are played with for 5 minutes on the way home and then clutter up my car.
Thanks for listening, McDonald's....or not. I know books probably won't sell alot of Happy Meals, but I had to throw the idea out there anyway.....It's what I do.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Kindergarten Teacher for President!
I love teachers. I think they could run the country and change the world! I also love to volunteer at school....especially in Kindergarten. There is something magical about how a Kindergarten teacher can take approximately 25 kids from all backgrounds, religions, morals and values and teach and mold them into a responsible (for the most part) "team machine". It is AMAZING to see! After my last few days in my youngest's classroom, I have decided that a Kindergarten teacher should be President of the US. Seriously..........I watched my son's morning and thought how it could better our government and country.
Kindergarten: Kids come to class and know exactly what to do. There are expectations set firmly in place. Kids turn in their folders, hang up their backpacks and sit quietly at their desks doing their morning work until the bell rings at which point they get the school news update, lunch menu and any other important info for their day. They then recite the Pledge of Allegiance.....all while listening quietly, hand over their heart and standing at attention because they have been taught how important it is. The teacher calls them to her "rug". There is a "good morning circle" where they tell each other good morning and then a "compliment circle" where they compliment the person on their left and their right. The teacher then goes over the morning. Any questions? Get to it. They go to "centers".....math, art, book nook, puzzles, listening center, reading, etc....and that is just the morning.
Kindergarten Teacher as President: She/He would come to the Oval Office and would have previously taught the Congress, Senate, House and any and all other people in the White House exactly what they are to do upon their arrival. They would each know what is expected from them and would just do it. No exceptions. They would turn in their "folders" of work from the previous day, hang up their laptop bags and sit quietly at their desks working on their morning work until the bell rings. The President would then give the news update, lunch menu and other important info for their day. They would then recite the Pledge of Allegiance, standing at attention, hand on their heart like they love this country more than life itself. The President would then call them all on the "carpet" where they would form a huge "good morning circle". They would have to know each other's name and they would give a heartfelt good morning all around. Next would be the "compliment circle" the left and the right. No back stabbing, no gossip, no unfair trading, just compliments. The President would then go over the plan for the day and tell them to get to it - with high expectations - no whining, griping, no "I don't want to".....just "get to it" while reminding them of the "3 B's": do NOT interrupt the President unless they are 1)Bleeding 2)Barfing or 3)Bathroom Emergency. "Workers" would then disperse and go to "centers". I can only imagine what they would learn! There would be a center for:
* "Math": learning how to treat money - not stealing or stashing money away but how to treat it as well as how to allow the American people to keep as much as possible of what they earn. Learning percentages would be a biggie - taxes.....this would be an entire math unit in itself. I think the volunteer at this particular center would be Dave Ramsey.
* "Book Nook": one would be required to read up on the "Declaration of Independence" and the "Constitution". They would need to know this backward and forward - no deviations. There would be a test.
* "Listening Center": learning how to listen to the people that make up the United States of America...what they need, what they want and how to better this great nation.
* "Puzzles": learning how to solve issues of the to work together to fit all the pieces where the entire country would benefit.
* "Housekeeping": learning how to stay faithful to your spouse, not letting work get in the way of family and getting your priorities in order. Learning about honesty and truth and all those other important "words".
I'm sure there would be others.......And this is just the morning! We could go through the whole day but you get the point. My son's school has "Character Education". I "taught" the class on "Responsibility" yesterday. I would be willing to do that for the President. I would bring my stuffed Buzz Lightyear, 25 packs of Toy Story 3 gummies, my "notes" and a cute story about a kindergartener being responsible. I think those "government" people might listen for a bag of gummies - maybe.
* "Housekeeping": learning how to stay faithful to your spouse, not letting work get in the way of family and getting your priorities in order. Learning about honesty and truth and all those other important "words".
I'm sure there would be others.......And this is just the morning! We could go through the whole day but you get the point. My son's school has "Character Education". I "taught" the class on "Responsibility" yesterday. I would be willing to do that for the President. I would bring my stuffed Buzz Lightyear, 25 packs of Toy Story 3 gummies, my "notes" and a cute story about a kindergartener being responsible. I think those "government" people might listen for a bag of gummies - maybe.
I love Robert Fulghum's "All I Ever Needed to Know I Learned In Kindergarten". How TRUE this is!
All I Ever Really Needed to Know
I Learned in Kindergarten
- by Robert Fulghum
So as soon as a teacher puts in for the President position - I am ALL in!Most of what I really need to know about how to live, and what to do, and how to be, I learned in Kindergarten. Wisdom was not at the top of the graduate school mountain, but there in the sandbox at nursery school. These are the things I learned:
- Share everything.
- Play fair.
- Don't hit people.
- Put things back where you found them.
- Clean up your own mess.
- Don't take things that aren't yours.
- Say you're sorry when you hurt somebody.
- Wash your hands before you eat.
- Flush.
- Warm cookies and cold milk are good for you.
- Live a balanced life.
- Learn some and think some and draw and paint and sing and dance and play and work some every day.
- Take a nap every afternoon.
- When you go out into the world, watch for traffic, hold hands, and stick together.
- Be aware of wonder.
- Remember the little seed in the plastic cup. The roots go down and the plant goes up and nobody really knows how or why, but we are all like that.
- Goldfish and hamsters and white mice and even the little seed in the plastic cup - they all die.
- So do we.
- And then remember the book about Dick and Jane and the first word you learned, the biggest word of all: LOOK .
- Everything you need to know is in there somewhere.
- The Golden Rule and love and basic sanitation, ecology and politics and sane living.
Think of what a better world it would be if we all - the whole world - had cookies and milk about 3 o'clock every afternoon and then lay down with our blankets for a nap. Or if we had a basic policy in our nation and other nations to always put things back where we found them and clean up our own messes. And it is still true, no matter how old you are, when you go out into the world, it is best to hold hands and stick together.
Here's to learning the "good stuff" today,
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Little T isn't feeling well today....he has a tummy ache and things that go with it, that I won't get into because I have a weak stomach. We're hanging out at home today. It's lunchtime and he's asking when his brother and sister will be home.....already....several times. :0)
Earlier, I had to go get him some Children's Mylanta (there's your clue) and got home, got him comfortable with his cartoons and gave him a dose of his medicine, at which time I got a really scrunched up little face looking at me. He follows me into the kitchen as I was putting the medicine up and says..."Hey, Mom, that gave me the POLKA DOTS." LOL (Goosebumps, if you need help in 'kid talk') ;0)
Now I'm just glad it's not polka dots that don't go away for a long time. I hope his tummy is better tomorrow. By the way, a case of the polka dots DOES NOT stop a 6 year old from playing his drumset with a pair of meat skewers I had lying on the cabinet from the dishwasher because he couldn't find his drumsticks...(And yes, they were PROMPTLY taken away). ;0)
Stay 'up beat' today,
Earlier, I had to go get him some Children's Mylanta (there's your clue) and got home, got him comfortable with his cartoons and gave him a dose of his medicine, at which time I got a really scrunched up little face looking at me. He follows me into the kitchen as I was putting the medicine up and says..."Hey, Mom, that gave me the POLKA DOTS." LOL (Goosebumps, if you need help in 'kid talk') ;0)
Now I'm just glad it's not polka dots that don't go away for a long time. I hope his tummy is better tomorrow. By the way, a case of the polka dots DOES NOT stop a 6 year old from playing his drumset with a pair of meat skewers I had lying on the cabinet from the dishwasher because he couldn't find his drumsticks...(And yes, they were PROMPTLY taken away). ;0)
Stay 'up beat' today,
Weather Check!
My youngest walks down the stairs, "Hey, Mom! What is the vomiter going to be today?" "What?" "The vomiter......what is it going to be today?" I couldn't help it, I asked him to say it 3 more times as I am trying NOT to die laughing. It is so darn cute how his little mouth is trying to get out the word, he knows it isn't quite right but that's all he's got...."vomiter". I watch his little mouth - complete with missing tooth and 2 other that are hanging by a thread. v.o.m.i.t.e.r. At this point, I am all but spitting trying not to let the fact that this word and his sweet face have me tickled BEYOND tickled. So I ask one more time (this would be number 5)....."Now what?" He has HAD IT..........he leans toward me, raises his voice and speaks slow...."HOW.....HOT....IS.....IT.....GOING....TO.....BE....TODAY?" I lost ALL composure.....
Have a cool day,
Monday, September 13, 2010
Dinosaur Alfredo
Disclaimer: I NEVER, EVER, EVER claimed to be a chef. EVER. Remember that. ;0)
Well, yesterday, in an ongoing effort to put off grocery shopping for ONE MORE DAY, I created a new dish....and I've recorded my creative process for the recipe books. You might want to write it down.....or not. LOL
Excavate the freezer for meat. Oh, you only have chicken nuggets shaped like dinosaurs? No problem.
Cook the dinosaurs. Cut the dinosaurs into small pieces....(How ELSE would you eat a dinosaur?)
Boil spaghetti....add butter so there's no sticky mess. (Dinosaurs get stuck in 'sticky mess' and they don't like it.)
Throw (I mean...add) the dinosaur chunks into the spaghetti.
Add lemon-pepper to taste. (Keep it handy)
Kinda tasted like chicken....go figure....LOL....Not 'gourmet'.....but 'G-may'. :0)
Commentary from the critic, Coco: "Wow, that's the weirdest Alfredo I've ever seen....."
Me: "Be quiet and eat your dinosaur." (THAT turned my giggle box over.......)
I've always wanted to say that.....Well, no, not really....but there's ALOT of things I say now that I never thought I'd say. I'm a MOM after's allowed. :0)
Well, yesterday, in an ongoing effort to put off grocery shopping for ONE MORE DAY, I created a new dish....and I've recorded my creative process for the recipe books. You might want to write it down.....or not. LOL
Excavate the freezer for meat. Oh, you only have chicken nuggets shaped like dinosaurs? No problem.
Cook the dinosaurs. Cut the dinosaurs into small pieces....(How ELSE would you eat a dinosaur?)
Boil spaghetti....add butter so there's no sticky mess. (Dinosaurs get stuck in 'sticky mess' and they don't like it.)
Throw (I mean...add) the dinosaur chunks into the spaghetti.
Add lemon-pepper to taste. (Keep it handy)
Kinda tasted like chicken....go figure....LOL....Not 'gourmet'.....but 'G-may'. :0)
Commentary from the critic, Coco: "Wow, that's the weirdest Alfredo I've ever seen....."
Me: "Be quiet and eat your dinosaur." (THAT turned my giggle box over.......)
I've always wanted to say that.....Well, no, not really....but there's ALOT of things I say now that I never thought I'd say. I'm a MOM after's allowed. :0)
Sunday, September 12, 2010
My oldest son put on a pair of jeans after I ironed them for him for church this morning. After he was completely dressed, he came to our room with a big smile and said, "Look, Mom!! I found $5 in my pocket." (A very clean and folded up $5 bill, I might add.) :o)
I said, "Well, I guess you can you what you want with it....use it for extra things at school you want....pickles, or snacks, or something." It obviously was his, right?
So later, we're sitting in church and they start passing the offering plate. He reaches in his pocket and unfolds the $5 bill and puts it in the offering plate as it is passed.
I said, "Well, I guess you can you what you want with it....use it for extra things at school you want....pickles, or snacks, or something." It obviously was his, right?
So later, we're sitting in church and they start passing the offering plate. He reaches in his pocket and unfolds the $5 bill and puts it in the offering plate as it is passed.
That unselfish choice touched my heart. I was a very proud Mom....and I told him so later. He just smiled and shrugged his shoulders.....Modest, too. :)
"Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver."
2 Corinthians 9:7
Saturday, September 11, 2010
To Prank or Not to Prank?
This Saturday, Little T was REALLY wanting to go to his grandmother's house. Coco had gone to a church function (movies & out to eat)....And OH the injustice of her 'getting to do something and he couldn't!' :0(
So....he starts asking..."Can I call her?" "Can I call her?" "Can I call her?" "Can I call her?" (You get the picture.)
After he talked about it all day....constantly....he finally had his big brother dial her number on HIS phone....and asked if he could go over. She let him. And he escaped house cleaning once again...and took his big brother with him. Rascally rabbits. ;-) need to know the rest of the story. During the 'questioning' time, he says to me "I'm gonna get T's phone and call Grammy and tell her it's a Chinese guy and he wants to come over." LOL
I'm thinking...well, prank calls to Grammy MIGHT not work so well, since she has caller ID and Big T's phone number will show up on her phone....not to mention she PROBABLY knows your voice.
But, go ahead. LOL
So, after he finally came back in the living room and said that he called her, I called her to make sure she ACTUALLY said it was okay...
you know, before we showed up out of the blue.
I said, "Did a little Chinese boy just call you and want to come over??" :0)
Luckily, he didn't try that. Not sure Grammy likes being pranked. She might not play baseball with you, you know. :0)
This Saturday, Little T was REALLY wanting to go to his grandmother's house. Coco had gone to a church function (movies & out to eat)....And OH the injustice of her 'getting to do something and he couldn't!' :0(
So....he starts asking..."Can I call her?" "Can I call her?" "Can I call her?" "Can I call her?" (You get the picture.)
After he talked about it all day....constantly....he finally had his big brother dial her number on HIS phone....and asked if he could go over. She let him. And he escaped house cleaning once again...and took his big brother with him. Rascally rabbits. ;-) need to know the rest of the story. During the 'questioning' time, he says to me "I'm gonna get T's phone and call Grammy and tell her it's a Chinese guy and he wants to come over." LOL
I'm thinking...well, prank calls to Grammy MIGHT not work so well, since she has caller ID and Big T's phone number will show up on her phone....not to mention she PROBABLY knows your voice.
But, go ahead. LOL
So, after he finally came back in the living room and said that he called her, I called her to make sure she ACTUALLY said it was okay...
you know, before we showed up out of the blue.
I said, "Did a little Chinese boy just call you and want to come over??" :0)
Luckily, he didn't try that. Not sure Grammy likes being pranked. She might not play baseball with you, you know. :0)
The Trouble Tree
I hired a plumber to help me restore an old farmhouse, and after he had just finished a rough first day on the job, a flat tire made him lose an hour of work & his electric drill quit, his ancient one ton truck refused to start. As I drove him home, he sat in stony silence.
On arriving he invited me in to meet his family. As we walked toward the front door, he paused briefly at a small tree, touching the tips of the branches with both hands. Upon opening the door he had undergone an amazing transformation. His tanned face was wreathed in smiles and he hugged his two small children and gave his wife a kiss.
Afterward he walked me to the car. We passed the tree and my curiosity got the better of me. I asked him about what I had seen him do at the little tree.
"Oh, that's my trouble tree," he replied. "I know I can't help having troubles on the job, but one thing's for sure, those troubles don't belong in the house with my wife and the children. So I just hang them up on the tree every night when I come home and ask God to take care of them. Then in the morning I pick them up again." Funny thing is," he smiled, "when I come out in the morning to pick them up, there aren't nearly as many as I remember hanging up the night before."
Author Unknown
Our family attended a football game last night between our town and a town a couple of hours away. We were there to support my daughter in the band. She’s doing what she loves and we’re there for her.
Last night, before the game when it was time for the National Anthem, a blind child from the Intermediate School in that town was taken out to the middle of the field to sing the song. And with the voice of a little angel….he started singing.
He sang the song very well…but the microphone started cutting out during the song. The first time, it came back on immediately. But the next time it was a longer pause. So IMMEDIATELY, the crowd picked up the volume to fill in the gap. It was awesome.
That continued throughout the song….the crowd singing and getting louder to fill in the parts that were missing. I saw a few of the football players wiping their eyes afterwards...glad I wasn't the only one.
Like I said, he did an awesome job….even without the help of the crowd….however, it was nice to know they were there for him, in the times that they were needed.
Lesson learned. Thanks for letting me be in attendance, Coco. Love you, Mom
:0) G
That continued throughout the song….the crowd singing and getting louder to fill in the parts that were missing. I saw a few of the football players wiping their eyes afterwards...glad I wasn't the only one.
Like I said, he did an awesome job….even without the help of the crowd….however, it was nice to know they were there for him, in the times that they were needed.
Lesson learned. Thanks for letting me be in attendance, Coco. Love you, Mom
:0) G
Thursday, September 9, 2010
"Just another day in Paradise...."
Can we talk here? Actually, can I talk and you listen?? Just Mom to Mom (or to somebody who knows a Mom, has a Mom, been a Mom, wants to be a Mom, has thought about being a Mom....etc.). You know those days?? I am finishing up one but I just want to go over it one more time with you. It's gonna be wordy, lengthy and probably boring but just consider this cheap therapy. :)
Daughter slept with me last night as her Dad was out of town. As alarm goes off at 6:00am, she says, "Mom, did you get my shorts washed last night?" I am running thought through my mind....shorts, shorts, shorts...."Oh! The ones you asked me to wash while I was cooking dinner?" "Yes"..."No, but I'm headed that way." Get her dressed and on the bus, get boys up, fed, dressed and headed to the bus. At the bus stop, oldest son says, "Mom! I don't have my geography paper!" "Well, I asked you to pack your backpack last night and I watched you do it. Did you not get the paper in there?" "Yes, I did! Somebody (I just love Somebody) took it out!" Feeling tired and generous, I said, "that's okay....I will put little B on the bus, take you home and drive you to school." And I yellow gown, pink robe and black flipflops with hair piled on top of head. As we get to the school, I realize I forgot to give youngest son the note that says he can ride the bus home so I ask older son "Can you please take this note to B's teacher?" "Sure"......but he is somewhat pouty in the backseat due to me getting irritated about "somebody" taking the geography paper out of his backpack. I am big on taking responsibility. Oldest son exits the vehicle and I am headed home to a late shower.
Arriving at home, I decide to answer a few emails, email youngest's teacher about him riding the bus (just in case oldest didn't get the bus note there) and then go ahead and pay bills. I pay bills online which is a great timesaver but it always depresses me how much money you can spend in 5 minutes and a few clicks. As I finish and get up to head to the shower, the phone rings and it is my daughter: "Mom? A kid nailed me in PE and I have a huge goose egg on my shin bone the size of my palm and my teacher thinks you need to come look at it." "Be right there." I throw on clothes out of the laundry (as I plan on coming home to take a shower), brush my hair out and hope sunglasses cover up most of the circles under my eyes. I arrive at school to find her in the office with leg elevated and iced. Swelling has gone down but I can see the indentions where the boy's foot hit her shin. She can walk and is not in pain.....okay, back to class. As I am leaving, I realize today was to be grocery store day as there is NOTHING in the house to eat. I am close so I decide to go ahead and go. I am in and out in a flash and have just enough time to run home, put the cold stuff away and get to my haircut appt. Now, if you are a Mom, haircut appointments are VERY precious and you will walk through hot coals to get there because if you miss it, it might not happen again for....oh.....another year. I was determined. I made it right on the dot and was refreshed by that little pair of scissors. Now if I only didn't have these hideous roots.....oh....wait....that is a whole 'nother story......
Came straight home, finished putting up groceries and had a few minutes to breathe. Phone rings and it's my daughter: "Mom, can you pick me up at the bus stop, my leg hurts." "Sure". Back in the car, pick her up and back home. Phone rings. Husband says, "Hey, can you meet me at 4:15 to sign some papers?" "All the kids are about to be home." "They will be fine, daughter can watch them for a minute." AUGH!! Back in the car, drive the 20 minutes to meet him. After he is 10 minutes late, phone rings: "Hey, you need to go pick up youngest son, he didn't get on the bus. But could you go in and sign those papers first?" (This is now 40 minutes after school is out.) I glance in the backseat to find the bus note I gave the oldest son lying on the floor. Make mental note. Head in to sign papers, "I'm sorry ma'am but you and your husband have to sign them together, can you come back after you pick up your son?" "Certainly!" Head to school. Get text from sweet neighbor who just happens to be at school and notices my son is there. "Want me to pick up B?" "Yes, that would be awesome. Story to follow later." "Cool". Turn back around and head back to sign papers. Man in charge wants to talk about his love of football and how he has always wanted a job with Kevin's company. "Sir, can I sign the papers because I have 2 little boys who need to get to football." And off I go back home. Phone rings: "Mrs. G, this is Mrs P at the school and we have your son here. There is a Mrs. U that says you have authorized her to take him. Is that correct?" "Yes, she is my neighbor and on my list, he can go." "Are you sure?" Oh please, please, please don't ask me that at this point. "YES!!! I am O.SO.SURE!"
Drive like a maniac to get back home, make water bottles......Little B makes it home and is fine but semi-upset with me. Hugs me and tells me he forgives me while oldest son says, "O yeah, Mom, I forgot that note in the car. I was going to go tell his teacher but I didn't want to be late to class." Holding my tongue and staying far away from him, I continue to throw stuff around for football. Make it there just as they are taking the field. Drop one at 6:00 and the other at 6:15 and head to Chick-fil-A......I am NOT cooking tonight and nobody is going to make me. Head back to field to pick up youngest. "Mom?" "Yes?" "Remember you promised we could get a Kona Ice (shaved ice) tonight? You said Thursday and it is Thursday." "Yes, I did....let's see if Daddy has any money." Walked the forever walk to get it and are heading to the car. For my 6 yr old, all worries of the day are gone. He is back home with me, he has his Kona Ice with about 7 mixed flavors and things couldn't be any better. I, on the other hand, am exhausted. I feel nasty b/c I have yet to shower, I am tired of being "needed" and I am thinking, "if I hear the word "mom" one more time today.....".
It's a beautiful sunset and we are walking to the car - he's eatin' and I am just walkin. Out of the blue, "Mom?" ugh............."Yes?" "I am so glad you are my mother." Stopped me in my tracks.....and all MY worries of the day were gone. Wow! God works FAST on tired Mom's!! Thank you God for the little ones you use to teach awesome lessons. Thank you for allowing me to be a Mom, thank you for me being "needed" and being blessed with a crazy life (even though I drove about 170 miles today and never left my own little bubble). Thank you, thank you, thank you.
I think I will call my own mother tomorrow and when she answers the phone, I will say, "Mom? I am so glad you are my mother."
Thank you for letting me bend your ear. Tomorrow is a NEW day!
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
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Little T---getting the 'Baseball Bug' at Age 2 |
Last year, my Mom was watching him at the game while I took Coco to her band camp concert. So while I was gone....instead of playing the normal game within eye sight behind the stands, he and his teammates took off to the field next to the field where the game was going on. What Mom doesn't know and all....right???
So once I got back....I started looking for him. By THEN, he was back in the stands with my Mom. So SHE says...."Why don't YOU tell Mom where you were before she got back?" (Trying to get him to 'fess up...before he got in deeper trouble. Nice try, Grammy!! :-) )
He continues to watch the game and without even looking at me, he says,
"I-don't-wanna-talk-about-it." And doesn't...he won't say anything about it....Stubborn little dude, huh? :-)
However....I have other sources, ya know. Grammy is MY mom....and I NEVER did that to her.
No, really....I didn't. ;-)
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
We had the privilege of attending the 'Royal 4th Birthday' of my 'Princess Niece' last Saturday. She requested a 'Princess Birthday Cake', and her wish was granted. :-)
While we were there, she was playing by herself with her toys and singing and we couldn't really understand what she was saying. One of her big sister's said, "Yeah, she does that all the time. She makes up her own words and she sings her made-up songs in the bathtub, but she's the only one who can understand them." (Which I thought was absolutely precious....I make up words all the time!!!) No WONDER she and I get along so well. ;-)
I found this poem this morning and I think someday,
I need to take her to this zoo. ~~~ Aunt G
Today I touched the buffalobster
and the goldfishark,
the eagleopard, ocelotter,
and the weaselark.
I pet the parroturtle,
--Kenn Nesbitt
(This poem appears in the book 'The Tighty-Whitey Spider')
(I know what book she's getting soon from her Aunt G!!!) :-)************************************
While we were there, she was playing by herself with her toys and singing and we couldn't really understand what she was saying. One of her big sister's said, "Yeah, she does that all the time. She makes up her own words and she sings her made-up songs in the bathtub, but she's the only one who can understand them." (Which I thought was absolutely precious....I make up words all the time!!!) No WONDER she and I get along so well. ;-)
I found this poem this morning and I think someday,
I need to take her to this zoo. ~~~ Aunt G
Today I touched the buffalobster
and the goldfishark,
the eagleopard, ocelotter,
and the weaselark.
I fed the frogorilla
and I felt the reindeerat.
I prodded the piguana
and I scratched the alpacat.
I gazed at the gazellephant.
I gawked at the gooseal.
I caught the cockroachimpanzeebra
and the bumblebeel.
I pet the parroturtle,
and the pelicangaroo.
It's freaky, but it's fun here
at the Mutant Petting Zoo.
--Kenn Nesbitt
(This poem appears in the book 'The Tighty-Whitey Spider')
(I know what book she's getting soon from her Aunt G!!!) :-)************************************
This absolutely made my day. I received this in an e-mail from our sweet church secretary today.
This little two-year-old CUPCAKE...:-)... begins with, "Thanks for the new Bible.....That's nice of you."
And then listen...Is she not the sweetest little thing?
This little two-year-old CUPCAKE...:-)... begins with, "Thanks for the new Bible.....That's nice of you."
And then listen...Is she not the sweetest little thing?
Monday, September 6, 2010
The Little Joys of Servanthood
My kids volunteer at our church and they love it. My son is on the "Exalt" worship team which leads worship in Kindergarten through 5th grade classes - very cool. My daughter loves little kids (I am convinced she is going to be a teacher since the veterinarian thing is off - decided she can't do anything with blood. Okay, so dealing with little kids is minimal blood at best.) her first year at the church, she is given a 2 yr old class - not her first pick, but no complaining. There was another "man" teacher in the 2 yr old class that took all the "criers" and she was SO grateful for him and missed him SO much when he was gone......she is just all about playing with those little rugrats.
When the chance came to request a different class, she jumped and asked for Kindergarten but you have to be high school age to volunteer in there. Soooo, one step down to 4 & 5 year olds. Yesterday was her first day in that class. When she came out, she had the funniest look of relief on her face. "So how was it?" "Mom! It was AWESOME! There was not ONE kid crying - EVER. They didn't pick at each other - nobody did! They just played together AND they know HOW to make a bead bracelet already!! Not ONE kid tried to eat the beads!! SWEET!!!"
Ahhhh, the little joys of servanthood. I couldn't help but laugh - even though she was dead serious about her gratefulness. I am just glad they like to serve. This mama couldn't be prouder than to have kid with a servant's heart.....whether it's calming a crier, breaking up an argument or picking beads out of a kids mouth. They are serving and that makes me and Jesus very happy. :)
Serve with all your heart,

This morning I was making the boys breakfast they were doing what they do on the Playstation. I walked back in the room, and Big T said, “Mom, did you hear Little T??”
Me: “No, what?”
T: “Well, I was telling him that I was getting hair under my armpits.”
(Hmmm…he’s 10)….Me: “REALLY?” Big T: “I was showing Little T and he said … “Cool, can I HAVE SOME??”
Big laughs from Mom….but also went and inspected the arm hair ‘crop’…
Big T: “See…it’s like FUR!!!” LOL!!!! Maybe it's invisible fur? Not sure.
On to the disclaimer, so I proceed to ask permission to use this gem on the blog.
T: “No.” (smiling)
Me: “Please??”
T: “No..” (giggling)
Me: “I’ll give you CANDY.” (Big wink....)
Little T: “I WANT CANDY!!!!!”
I’m pretty sure that’s all he heard during the whole conversation. It's called selective hearing that males start developing....obviously at age 6. :-) and P.S. I was kidding....they were fixing to eat breakfast, ya know. LOL
Little T…you want A LOT of things….Let’s wait awhile, okay???
It’s only 9:00am after all......and NO armpit hair for, say, a few YEARS????
;-) ….Mom G
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Not only do I hang out with my own kids during their hilarious times,
I also get to teach a Kindergarten Sunday School Class every Sunday.
However, this class really ranges from 3-5 year olds.....and one little 6 year old who won't leave the class yet....yeah, Little T. :-)
Anyway, I guess on Sunday I can report in and let you know the funny things they Sunday Comics or something. Here is today's comic strip:
(They were looking at me funny, too)
Oh...... PEP RALLY!
Too sweet. LOL
Next, we were coloring our 'fish' pages.....and J. T. says..."I know everything about fish!!!"
I said, "Okay, tell us what you know then." (This should be good...he's hilarious!!)
J. T.: "Well, fish are good at swimming." Me: "What else?"
I also get to teach a Kindergarten Sunday School Class every Sunday.
However, this class really ranges from 3-5 year olds.....and one little 6 year old who won't leave the class yet....yeah, Little T. :-)
Anyway, I guess on Sunday I can report in and let you know the funny things they Sunday Comics or something. Here is today's comic strip:
'Pepper Alley'.
I said, "What's that?"
Girls: 'It's when the team comes and we cheer for them!!" (They were looking at me funny, too)
Oh...... PEP RALLY!
Too sweet. LOL
Next, we were coloring our 'fish' pages.....and J. T. says..."I know everything about fish!!!"
I said, "Okay, tell us what you know then." (This should be good...he's hilarious!!)
J. T.: "Well, fish are good at swimming." Me: "What else?"
I tried to help..."And alligators too?"
J. T.: "No.....ALLIGATORS AREN'T REAL!!!!....Hahahahaha!"
I didn't argue. After all, HE was the expert...not me.
Saturday, September 4, 2010
From a friend of mine that I'll call MAC-MOMMY:
"We went to eat at Logan's tonight and sat next to a group of much older ladies. They'd all had quite a few margaritas and were loud and laughing a lot..
And she followed it with this one:
Thanks, Mac-Mommy....keep 'em coming....your kids are will fit right in here!!! ;-)

and my oldest son said 'Man, it's like 'Grannies Gone Wild' over there!!"
:-) Too good NOT to let you all in on....G
"Also, my youngest son bought two goldfish today....their names are Optimus Prime and Megatron." :-)
A friend of hers commented: “Were you surprised? Aren't those the two most common goldfish names?”
Sounds like something I’d say, huh??
Thanks, Mac-Mommy....keep 'em coming....your kids are will fit right in here!!! ;-)
i.e. "Mom, where are my shoes?" (my socks, my backpack, my get the picture)...I USUALLY say...."I don't know, I don't use/wear those things..." End of conversation and then end up looking for them anyway.
However, this afternoon, Little T was wanting Big T to go outside and play catch with him in the yard with the baseball. So, I'm in the middle of mopping the kitchen....and a little voice says..."MOM, WHERE ARE OUR GLOVES?" (Okay....maybe NOT so little of a voice...since he was in his living room yelling this.....)
He comes walking into the freshly mopped kitchen... ...and says again..."Mom.....WHERE are our gloves?"I replied: "I REALLY couldn't tell you, T."
His response: "Well, why CAN'T you tell me???" (He's looking at me like I was hiding something)
I didn't have a response to you ????
Laughing while cleaning the kitchen makes the job a little more enjoyable though. Just so you know.
:0) G
Friday, September 3, 2010
What "quenches" your thirst??
Tonight at dinner, my kids were downing the milk like they hadn't had anything to drink in days!! Fine with me but my husband starts telling them, "You guys don't need to drink so much milk. You are drinking it to quench your thirst and only water will do that." My 9 yr old starts laughing so hard, "QUENCH!??? Dude, that's something you EAT, not something that has to do with drinkin'!!" We all just stopped and looked at him and as hard as I tried not to laugh, I couldn't hold it in. Just couldn't. "Honey, that would be QUICHE." He looks at me surprised, "Quiche? The stuff that's made with eggs?" "Yes" "Ooooooo, I thought that was quench and Dad just really messed up!"
Out of the mouths of babes :-)
Have a great night,
After I posted the 'Strike Out King' blog...One of my best friends texted me and said that the song posted below reminded her of both of my boys....I have to agree.
But this video I found of it is what I see in my yard on a daily basis....complete with uniform. ;0)
ENJOY!!! I sure did.
Thanks for the 'follow-up' inspiration, B!!!!!
But this video I found of it is what I see in my yard on a daily basis....complete with uniform. ;0)
ENJOY!!! I sure did.
Thanks for the 'follow-up' inspiration, B!!!!!
Yesterday when I picked up Big T from school, while we were waiting for Coco at her school, the child started pitching a ‘no hitter’ to me with his commentary. Keep in mind this all occurred within 15 minutes while we were waiting in the car for his sister…..
(He actually IS an excellent pitcher, and catcher, and whatever other position that they put him in, btw.....not just Mom's opinion.... :-)....I had to throw that in......cut me some slack. LOL)
He is looking through his zip-up binder….(yes…he says I’m a genius for getting that)….
Me: “Ummm….how come?”
T: “The girl who sits next to me asked to borrow my glue…and I ASKED her not to waste it….AND SHE DID.” (Exasperated shaking of the blonde head)…. (LOL from me).
Me: (Mommy will fix it)….”Let me see it…’s not COMPLETELY empty.”
T: “Well…it’s pretty much gone....she just kept USING IT!!! So I have to have another one now.”
Me: “Okay….but you’ll have to trust ME to get ya one…..ok????” LOL
T: “Ok.”
We are waiting on the curb and cars are coming by beside us to get their kids……out of the blue he says…
“Mom, when I get a car…..I want a TAXI.” (Why? Because he had just seen a car with 'Mom's Taxi' in shoepolish on the window....and WHY NOT? LOL)
(Okay, so yeah, I immediately started laughing because his sister usually says she wants a Dually.... you know, the big trucks with 4 wheels in back...I know….but THAT’S what she saying right now. … or we see a 2010 Camaro and Little T wants THAT...ME TOO, by the way… :0)….sorry…I had to digress for a second….So….back to the ‘taxi’ comment..)
I said, “Well, for where we live, that MIGHT not be the best option.”
T says, “I could move to New York City.” Me: “Do you know how to get AROUND in NYC?”
T: “I could learn.”
Okay….gotta give him credit here for thinking this through. I had to stop arguing….
(Except…..Baby…I can’t let you go to NYC…I don’t even wanna visit there.
End of conversation. For now. :-( Remember, he’s only 10…’s gonna change a million times. Luckily. Just keep hoping, hoping, hoping. :-)
Right before it’s time for Coco to get out of school, a minivan squeezes into the area in front of us and another car parked on the curb, where it looks like there isn’t enough space…..but it does it anyway.
Me: (Sorry I was laughing so hard I couldn’t say anything)
And….therefore…..My brilliant, funny pitcher struck me out….all in 15 minutes and I'm pretty sure, without even trying.
Nice game, T....Well-played……let’s play again sometime......Are you busy tomorrow??? :)
Love, MOM <3
(He actually IS an excellent pitcher, and catcher, and whatever other position that they put him in, btw.....not just Mom's opinion.... :-)....I had to throw that in......cut me some slack. LOL)
He is looking through his zip-up binder….(yes…he says I’m a genius for getting that)….
Me: “Ummm….how come?”
T: “The girl who sits next to me asked to borrow my glue…and I ASKED her not to waste it….AND SHE DID.” (Exasperated shaking of the blonde head)…. (LOL from me).
Me: (Mommy will fix it)….”Let me see it…’s not COMPLETELY empty.”
T: “Well…it’s pretty much gone....she just kept USING IT!!! So I have to have another one now.”
Me: “Okay….but you’ll have to trust ME to get ya one…..ok????” LOL
T: “Ok.”
We are waiting on the curb and cars are coming by beside us to get their kids……out of the blue he says…
“Mom, when I get a car…..I want a TAXI.” (Why? Because he had just seen a car with 'Mom's Taxi' in shoepolish on the window....and WHY NOT? LOL)
(Okay, so yeah, I immediately started laughing because his sister usually says she wants a Dually.... you know, the big trucks with 4 wheels in back...I know….but THAT’S what she saying right now. … or we see a 2010 Camaro and Little T wants THAT...ME TOO, by the way… :0)….sorry…I had to digress for a second….So….back to the ‘taxi’ comment..)
I said, “Well, for where we live, that MIGHT not be the best option.”
T says, “I could move to New York City.” Me: “Do you know how to get AROUND in NYC?”
T: “I could learn.”
Okay….gotta give him credit here for thinking this through. I had to stop arguing….
(Except…..Baby…I can’t let you go to NYC…I don’t even wanna visit there.
End of conversation. For now. :-( Remember, he’s only 10…’s gonna change a million times. Luckily. Just keep hoping, hoping, hoping. :-)
Right before it’s time for Coco to get out of school, a minivan squeezes into the area in front of us and another car parked on the curb, where it looks like there isn’t enough space…..but it does it anyway.
Me: (Sorry I was laughing so hard I couldn’t say anything)
And….therefore…..My brilliant, funny pitcher struck me out….all in 15 minutes and I'm pretty sure, without even trying.
Nice game, T....Well-played……let’s play again sometime......Are you busy tomorrow??? :)
Love, MOM <3
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Throwin' it out the window!
Well, G and I must have had the same sort of day yesterday......something must be in the air or water! My oldest son came home from school with a.t.t.i.t.u.d.e. Not a usual thing for him - usually only happens when he is really tired which is probably what is going on now. We had a little "discussion" before he got out of the car about the current state of his attitude and how it very quickly needed to change. As he got out of the door, the "attitude" was still ALL over him so I told him to get back in the car and close the door. When he was in the car with door closed, arms folded and staring at the floor, I told him to open the door and throw out the attitude. He looked at me like I had lost my mind. He opened and closed the door. NOT what I was looking for. I told him I had ALLLLLLL day to sit in that car. "frowny face"........He opened the door, held it open and closed it again. Told him I didn't see one single thing get thrown out that door. "big breath".....Again. Opened the door and sort of "flicked" his hand. I told him "no way did you get rid of something so big with that little motion." 5 more times we did this until he opened the door, made a HUGE throwing motion, started giggling and shut the door. BA-DA-BING!!! Attitude was gone, we were both laughing and off we went to soccer...........Lord, give me strength.
Now if I can just do the same thing when I get tired!
Here's to throwing it out the window!
Enjoy your day,
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
"I Like My Family".....Even when I'm in a Bad Mood ;)
Little T's not in a good mood tonight....and he's ready to go to sleep.
Me: "Oh...we need to read your reader so you can take it back tomorrow."
T: "I'll just read it in my head." Me: "No...I want to hear it."
T: (apparent exasperation)..."OKAAYYY!"'
Ahhhh......Now THAT was a good book.
Good Night....Sweet Dreams....Mommy Loves You!!!
Me: "Oh...we need to read your reader so you can take it back tomorrow."
T: "I'll just read it in my head." Me: "No...I want to hear it."
T: (apparent exasperation)..."OKAAYYY!"'
"I Like My Family" (rolls eyes)
Mumbling... "I like my Mom." (I smile)
Still mumbly.... "I like my Dad." (More smiling...)
A little louder ...."I like my sister." (Getting better... ) Louder still... "I like my brother." (Almost there......)
Most audible statement in the book:....."I like my dog." (T, they love you too!!!)And the clincher: "I like my family."
(The End)
Ahhhh......Now THAT was a good book.
Good Night....Sweet Dreams....Mommy Loves You!!!
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