Monday, September 6, 2010

The Little Joys of Servanthood

My kids volunteer at our church and they love it.  My son is on the "Exalt" worship team which leads worship in Kindergarten through 5th grade classes - very cool.  My daughter loves little kids (I am convinced she is going to be a teacher since the veterinarian thing is off - decided she can't do anything with blood.  Okay, so dealing with little kids is minimal blood at best.) her first year at the church, she is given a 2 yr old class - not her first pick, but no complaining.  There was another "man" teacher in the 2 yr old class that took all the "criers" and she was SO grateful for him and missed him SO much when he was gone......she is just all about playing with those little rugrats. 

When the chance came to request a different class, she jumped and asked for Kindergarten but you have to be high school age to volunteer in there.  Soooo, one step down to 4 & 5 year olds.  Yesterday was her first day in that class.  When she came out, she had the funniest look of relief on her face.  "So how was it?"  "Mom!  It was AWESOME!  There was not ONE kid crying - EVER.  They didn't pick at each other - nobody did!  They just played together AND they know HOW to make a bead bracelet already!!  Not ONE kid tried to eat the beads!!   SWEET!!!" 

Ahhhh, the little joys of servanthood.  I couldn't help but laugh - even though she was dead serious about her gratefulness.  I am just glad they like to serve.  This mama couldn't be prouder than to have kid with a servant's heart.....whether it's calming a crier, breaking up an argument or picking beads out of a kids mouth.  They are serving and that makes me and Jesus very happy. :)

Serve with all your heart,

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