I received an e-mail today because I am subscribed to a website called
InnerKiddies.com (Pam Young)......Lots of helpful information regarding your inner child in there. She is tied in with Marla Cilley...a/k/a
The Fly Lady....if you don't know that name, it's worth looking into also at FlyLady.net.
However....the FREE tele-seminar they are advertising looks to be something we might all need. Below is the intro from her e-mail and here is the place to sign-up. I'll be listening.....no doubt. G
If you're like me, you've spent a lot of time finding answers to life's big questions:
* How can I create a climate of love, peace, joy, beauty and order in my home? * How can I raise self-reliant children? * How can I motivate, inspire, reinforce and recognize my children’s good behavior? * How can I heal and become the parent I want to be? * How can I balance my work and my family? * How can I help my children establish good habits and healthy routines that will serve them throughout their lives?
For answers to these questions and more join me in an awesome teleseminar series I'm in – and the best part is, it won't cost you a dime! It's called Great Parenting Show teleseminar and it's produced by Jacqueline Green the host of the Great Parenting Show Teleseminar. With over 10 years experience in parenting education, Jacqueline Green is a sought after parenting educator in her own right, as well as a powerful force putting the top parenting experts in reach of all parents. Her passion for helping parents comes from turning her own personal struggle with parenting to a transformation of all aspects of her life! Jacqueline has read over 100 parenting books, and she has worked with and learned from many of the top parenting educators in the world. Her mission is to help millions of parents by helping you to find the right expert for your unique parenting situation and concerns.
My 6 yr old is playing his first season of flag football. To say it is entertaining would be an understatement. It is downright H.I.L.A.R.I.O.U.S. Very similar to what I can imagine it might be like to try and "herd cats". The kids are 5 and 6 yrs old and are only concerned with the concept of "pulling off flags". The coach is BEYOND patient and continues to remind the parents that they WILL see improvement from beginning to end of season. :-) He has them do warmup exercises (the pushups will crack you up), drills (they keep moving the cones around), run laps (they cut through the middle when the coach has his back turned) and are currently working on running plays.....all while trying to make sure they have fun.
I have heard coach's comments like:
* Quit picking your nose!
* Pull your pants up!
* Put your shirt down!
* Stand up - you can't sit down during a play!
* Run! Have you ever seen a football player WALK to make a touchdown??
* Pull their FLAG, not their shorts!
* You have to be faster than a turtle!
* No, we aren't going to stop and eat popsicles!
* Leave your boxers alone!
* Quit picking grass and throwing it!
* Okay, go give your Mom a hug and then come right back! (that was my boy - loved it!)
But I think one of my favorites was last week. The boys were playing a game of sharks and minnows and trying not to get their flags pulled. Coach yelled "GO!" and the boys started running. In the middle of the pack were 2 little guys (good friends) who decided they would hold hands while running across the field. LOL!! The dad's looked mortified and the parents were giggling. Coach: "Don't hold hands! You don't hold hands in football!" They let go and stood ready to go again. The minute the coach yells "GO!", they grab hands again and start running. Coach: "What is this? Cheer Camp???" I almost lost it I was laughing so hard. He ran up to the little boys and said, "Guys, why are you holding hands??" The little boys looked so serious and one smiled and said, "Because we can run faster together!" :)
Later that night I was thinking about those cuties running in their jerseys, flags and holding hands. Maybe they are on to something. Maybe we can go faster, be better, be more successful when we do it together......when we find somebody to come along beside us, when we know somebody has our back, when we turn our head and there they are....running with us. I think kids are way smarter than we give them credit for sometimes. I like the way those little boys think.
Our story opens as Coco and I had to literally fly into Walmart this bright sunny Saturday morning and get a present for my niece who was having her 4th birthday that day.
Me: "So...pick something for her....that's perfect...but do it quick." Yeah right...you have two girls shopping in Walmart...it's going to take longer than that. LOL
CoCo: "Okay....so here's the 'Pink' aisle....(Barbie and dolls and things)...we can start here."
We're walking down the aisle and this box on the bottom shelf starts moving....and barking.
CoCo jumped...I jumped. We inspect it a little closer and it's a 'FurReal' lifesize poodle, who just keeps wagging his tail and stuff. (They are motion activated...maybe we just should've moved on a bit, huh?) Anyway, I'm standing there looking at some other 'smaller' motion activated kittens (which is actually what we ended up buying my niece)....but while we're looking, this little poodle keeps up his antics.
Coco says.."Mom, he's still LOOKING at you." Me: "I KNOW....we're going to have go get out of here it's freaking me out a bit and I'm starting to feel sorry for him." :-(
So, we proceed to the next aisle, with the meowing kitten in the basket with us....but still looking around, just in case there's something better on the next aisle.
CoCo is about half way down that aisle and there are two BabyAlive dolls on the shelf at her face level.
They are standing in cribs and start JUMPING UP AND DOWN at the same time....and crying.
CoCo puts her hands over her eyes....and bolted farther down the aisle. The next dolls she looked at started playing a 'music box' song when you walked past them that reminded her of the movie 'One Missed Call'. "Mom....just DON'T touch those!!" And she was out of there at record speed. I was laughing so hard by then, I was moving a little slower, but I made it out safely too.
I caught up with her, and she says..."Mom, LOOK I have goosebumps all over my arms!!! I don't EVER want to go down those aisles again, okay????"
I wonder if I took the boys down those aisles....knowing what was there......if our trips down the toy aisle would be limited??? Nah....that's probably too far fetched. However....they will not get me ANYWHERE NEAR the Toy Story section.....I'm afraid that Buzz Lightyear might ACTUALLY be trying to get out of his box now.....and we ALL know he can do it, right? So....No Way, Jose! Count me out.
Happy shopping!!! (somewhere OTHER than the toy aisle, that is)
;0) G
Little T has been in 1st grade for a whole week now. That's long enough to learn that it's not anything like Kindergarten...no playtime during class....no naps...Arrghh..the hardships!!!
Anyway....tonight (Saturday) he says: "Mom, I don't wanna go to school on Monday...it makes my arm hurt!!!!"
Concerned Mom: "How does it make your arm hurt?"
Little T: "Well, I just think I WRITE ON IT WRONG."
Brilliant, huh?? I think he's been studying his 'words-that-sound-the-same' list again...... Or maybe that was me.
:0) G
P.S. You might need to know that this same child would pitch a baseball accurately and at record speed at you 80% of his waking hours if he could.....with NO complaint at all. Yeah...and now you know the rest of his story. :0)
The longer I live, the more I realize the impact of attitude on life. Attitude, to me, is more important than facts. It is more important than the past, than education, than money, than circumstances, than failures, than successes, than what other people think, say, or do. It is more important than appearance, giftedness, or skill. It will make or break a company, a church, a home. The remarkable thing is we have a choice every day regarding the attitude we will embrace for that day.
We cannot change our past. We cannot change the fact that people will act in a certain way. We cannot change the inevitable. The only thing we can do is play on the one string we have, and that is our attitude. I am convinced that life is 10% what happens to me and 90% how I react to it. And so it is with you.
We are in charge of our attitudes.
Have a great day......Adjust the sails.....and you'll be fine. :0) G
My kids started back to school today....and after a VERY hectic first morning...(don't ask....REALLY)
we actually made it on time to all three schools.
And no one backed out of going in to their classrooms....Unless you count that little discussion in the hall with Little T. :0)
Here's a run down of the afterschool comments I received when I picked up the kids today:
1st grader: "Mom....WE DON'T EVEN HAVE 'CENTERS' ANYMORE!!!!
(Little T: Sad face)
(That means there is no play time like in Kindergarten....just so ya know)
5th grader: "I'm the class clown!!!" Me: "Oh...great!!!" T: "Yeah, and during lunch, I went around shaking everyone's hand because I knew them all and said, "Hi...how are ya doin'..... and what's YOUR name?" (Keep in mind this is our QUIET child.......) Holy moly....we're in trouble now. LOL
9th grader (just got into High School): "We get to have SWEET TEA at lunch!!!!" (Happy face!)
I REALLY don't know where they get all this stuff.....the 'playing'...the 'class clown' thing...and the Sweet Tea addiction.....oh...yeah...PROBABLY FROM ME...HUH??? ROFL
Oh....and all of them....."MOM, CAN WE GET SOMETHING TO EAT......WE'RE STARVING!!!!"
Here we go......however.......WELCOME BACK, ROUTINE!!! I've missed you so!!!!!!
My sweet baby boy was 4 when he learned to count to 10 in Spanish (thanks to Dora the Explorer). I still use his "words" in my head when I need a good grin on my face! Now if you don't know exactly how these words should sound, you need to look them up or this won't make any sense to you. I have typed them just like he pronounced them. Ready??
the-end (tee-end)
Que tengas un bien dia (I really hope this says "I wish you a good day")
k :)
So...yes...I put off school supply shopping until the LAST day....I know...don't complain. (Yeah, right!)
I think that someone should invent a new store...rivaling Walmart chaotic shopping madness.......which ready packs ALL supplies for every school, every grade and just says..."Okay...here ya go...that'll be $____". I would SO JUMP for joy. ("Yippeee!!!!! ")
Two things that teachers need to understand about small town shopping....they run out of necessities like 1st grade plastic storage boxes and zipper bags for the older ones....FIRST!!! AND....if you ask for a specific spiral notebook brand for a 1st grader......I'll fight you tooth and nail...because I won't be able to find it. Not here....and I'm NOT making a special trip to a larger town 30 miles away with 3 kids in tow to find ONE 'SACRED' SPIRAL NOTEBOOK. It's NOT happenin'.....Just wanted you to know. Please adjust your sails accordingly.....LOL
MY SUGGESTION....IF you want a specific 'brand' name of notebook on your 1st grade list....
Buy a whole STACK of them when you find what you want.....and I'll give YOU the cash. OR...you need to give me GPS coordinates on where EXACTLY to locate said object.......You'll make me VERY HAPPY that way.
Also on our list for the 1st grader was "EAR BUDS".....okay....purchased.....but now Little T thinks he gets to take his iPod to school. Great!!!! LOL
One more thing about shopping for school supplies with the kids and the other thousands of people in the aisles with us......The week before school starts, the stores should....CRANK UP THE AIR CONDITIONER!!!!!!!!! That way, I won't have to say...."Hey, kids....we need to go ALL THE WAY across the store to the milk section.....JUST SO I CAN COOL OFF...before I have a melt down!!!!"
Yeah for the milk refrigerators!!!!!!.....(and we did REALLY need milk anyway....) ;0)
Okay.......I'm done.....I now hope that our new awesome teachers will accept my kids into their classrooms....and not hold the "Ranting Mom" thing against them. ;-)
Sitting at dinner and out of the blue, my 9 yr old asks, "So, just how much does gettin' a kid cost?" "Gettin' a kid?" "Yes, you know.....to have him born." My husband and I looked at each other trying not to burst out laughing and although we have no idea (it has been 6 years since our last one was born and we were both drawing a blank). My hubby says, "Well, it depends on if you have insurance." My son: "I'm not talking about insurance, I don't even know what that has to do with gettin' a baby here." So I blurted out $20,000 (I have no clue but sometimes the kid just needs an answer - ANY ANSWER!) Not to be outdone, my husband says, "No way!!! It's at least $50,000!" Whatever.....so the battle begins. Me: "A normal birth?? $50,000 - you are out of your mind!" My son, "A normal birth - what is that?" I can hear the can of worms being opened so I do not add to the conversation. I know the 9 yr old in question too well and he will not stop asking questions concerning things he is curious about. I give my husband "the look". He says, "Okay, somewhere between $20,000 and $50,000." Son shrugs his shoulders and says, "Hmmm, okay so about the same as a wedding dress costs" and went right back to eating. End of conversation. I nearly choked on my dinner trying not to laugh.......my husband blames that comment on his sister making him watch too many episodes of "Say Yes To the Dress". Go figure..........
Still laughing,
I am trying to increase that number today. Let’s see if I can do it………… :0) G
Thomas Edison was afraid of the dark.
Penguins can jump as high as 6 feet in the air.
Every person has a unique tongue print.
Einstein couldn't speak fluently when he was nine. His parents thought he might be retarded.
In one town in California, there is a $600 fine for detonating a nuclear weapon inside city limits.
About a third of all Americans flush the toilet while they're still sitting on it.
Research indicates that mosquitoes are attracted to people who have recently eaten bananas.
The average person is about a quarter of an inch taller at night.
A sneeze zooms out of your mouth at over 600 m.p.h.
The Neanderthal's brain was bigger than yours is.
Donald Duck comics were banned from Finland because he doesn't wear pants.
In 1980, there was only one country in the world with no telephones - Bhutan.
Your right lung takes in more air than your left one does.
Women's hearts beat faster than men's.
Pollsters say that 40% of dog and cat owners carry pictures of the pets in their wallets.
Bubble gum contains rubber.
You can only smell 1/20th as well as a dog.
The sound of E.T. walking was made by someone squishing her hands in Jello.
Even if you cut off a cockroach's head, it can live for several weeks.
Most American car horns honk in the key of F.
The world population of chickens is about equal to the number of people.
Every time Beethoven sat down to write music, he poured ice water over his head.
In 75% of American households, women manage the money and pay the bills.
About 70% of Americans who go to college do it just to make more money. [The rest of us are avoiding reality for four more years.]
It's against the law to catch fish with your bare hands in Kansas.
Some toothpastes contain antifreeze.
Sigmund Freud had a morbid fear of ferns.
Bird droppings are the chief export of Nauru, an island nation in the western Pacific.
There are more plastic flamingos in America than real ones.
Most lipstick contains fish scales.
Lee Harvey Oswald's cadaver tag sold at an auction for $6,600 in 1992.
Mosquitoes have teeth.
Spotted skunks do handstands before they spray.
Hypnotism is banned by public schools in San Diego.
The three best-known western names in China: Jesus Christ, Richard Nixon, and Elvis Presley.
When snakes are born with two heads, they fight each other for food.
Most cows give more milk when they listen to music.
Aztec emperor Montezuma had nephew, Cuitlahac, whose name meant "plenty of excrement."
"Kemo Sabe" means "soggy shrub" in Navajo.
No word in the English language rhymes with month, orange, silver, and purple.
"Go." is the shortest complete sentence in the English language.
The most common name in the world is Mohammed.
The very first bomb dropped by the Allies on Berlin during World War II
killed the only elephant in the Berlin Zoo.
In Kentucky, 50% of the people who get married for the first time are teenagers.
Sherlock Holmes never did say "Elementary, my dear Watson."
If you laughed at at least HALF of these……I have accomplished my goal of increasing your laugh percentage by 100%!!!!!!! NOW, your assignment is "Pay it forward". Have an awesome FRIDAY and DON’T forget to DANCE!!!!!!! LYG, G
TWO WOLVES One evening an old Cherokee told his grandson about a battle that goes on inside people.
He said, "My son, the battle is between two wolves inside us all."
"One is Evil - It is anger, envy, jealousy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, and ego."
"The other is Good - It is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion and faith."
The grandson thought about it for a minute and then asked his grandfather: "Which wolf wins?"
The old Cherokee simply replied, "The one you feed."
_______________________________________________________ "But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, meekness, and self-control; against such there is no law." Galatians 5:22-23 (American Standard Version)
(WRITTEN BY G’S CO-WORKER, J...used by permission off of her blog....LOL)
Ok, so you know those plastic chair mats for underneath desks? They are death traps, I swear. We have carpet in our offices so we have to have these, whether we want them of not. I have a U-shaped desk, well not a rounded U, it’s a squared U. The part where I sit has a drawer to the left of me and opens up to the right. My monitor sits right in front. Since my monitor wire is short my tower sits on the floor right where the desk starts to open up. (I’m painting you a picture…. be patient with the details… it’s important to how this occurred.) My desk is sort of wide, but I have my keyboard stuck right under my monitor, so I can use the rest of the space for papers and such, when needed. So, I typically scoot myself all the way under the desk. (I like the security.)
The desk mat stops right where the desk starts so my chair always rolls forward off of the mat. I have gotten my chair stuck before, but never had any problems to get it out until Tuesday!
The stars lined up perfectly, I swear. So anyhow, I pull myself under my desk and settle in. My chair had rolled off the mat and I was all a-go. Well, the time came for me to get up and get some papers. I go to push myself out and the wheel on my chair rolls underneath the mat and lodges itself there.
No problem…..I'll just turn my chair and get out.
NOPE! I turn to my left and the arm rest is right up against the drawer won’t budge. Ok, then…to my left. My tower stops me in my tracks, and due to the armrests, I can’t reach down and scoot it out. I try for ten minutes to free myself to no avail.
So I grab my cell phone and send a text. (I would use my intercom but they are re arranging our offices and currently I have no phone) I send the text to a co-worker…..(To blog readers from G: THAT’S ME!!! :0)…),
This is the text conversation:
Me: Are u in our office?
G: Yes. Y?
Me: I need help, but U can’t laugh.
G: U lost?
G: No promises.
Me: No, not lost
G: Lock yourself out of your car?
Me: I’m stuck in my desk.
(To blog readers from G: "BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! :0D" )
At this point, you hear laughter roaring out of her office and here a few people rushing to hers to see what so funny to which she responds, “Come here…come here…You have to see this!!!” SO yeah…..I ended up with an audience. Thanks G! Needless to say she had to crawl under my desk to free me! But she had a great laugh as did others at my expense! It was really funny though! Least I can laugh at myself!
Written by G's Co-Worker, J
Blog readers: NO….IT WAS HILARIOUS!!!!!! TALK ABOUT A ‘DESK TRAP’…..ROFL!!!!!! G
The other day, two of my kids, CoCo and Big T, were at work with me and we were in the kitchen of our office building sitting at a table. There was a sea salt grinder and a fresh pepper grinder on the table with us and we had finished eating and were sitting there talking.
CoCo starts playing with the pepper grinder...(we don’t have these at our house..…we have ‘shakers’ only). She picks it up and puts her thumb on the top of it and points it at me, and says… “It’s PEPPER SPRAY!!!”
At the very same, one of my co-workers is standing close to us and opens the pop-top of a can (and this is important) AS she’s pointing it at me and it makes a spewing sound.
I FREAKED out a bit and did a ‘Ninja-blocking-action' with my hands.
My kids were looking at my like my rocker had just been ripped out from under me. CoCo: “Mom…what’s WRONG with you??? I WAS JUST KIDDING!!!!!!”
Last night at football practice, my 6 yr old came over to my chair and whispered in my ear, "Mom, can you call me D.J.?" "Why?" "Just because. I want to be called D.J." (That is nowhere near the kids name.) I said, "If I call you D.J., won't that sort of be a lie since that isn't your name?" "No it won't be a lie! Because you are just going to call me that tonight! Please, Mom, just for tonight?" And away he went back to practice.
It thought about that for a minute and came to the conclusion it wasn't a bad idea. So, JUST FOR TODAY, I am a 23 year old with no mortgage, I have a really cool job, super decorated apartment that is never messy. I live close to my family so I can see them whenever I want. I have great skin and do not have to tape and float (wear makeup), I have plenty of down time, I get to read great books whenever I choose. Gravity has not set in on my body so all is where it is supposed to be. I am still a size 6 and can shop at Victoria Secret. I don't ache when I get out of bed in the morning. I can pretty much eat whatever I want because my metabolism is still lightning quick. Shopping for bras, bathing suits and jeans is not a painful experience. I don't have a million bills so there is plenty of money in my account to do extra stuff. I drive a cool small car that is clean all of the time. C'mon....please??? Just for today???
Okay, the thought was enough for me. I'm glad I had that time in my life but I gotta go now. There is a tablecloth with syrup on it that needs to be washed, God only knows why the refrigerator door handles feel so nasty, the bathrooms must be cleaned before things start growing and somebody just said the dog didn't make it outside. And WHY are all of the pillows off of the couch and the chairs in the living room? Oh, yes, that IS a very cool tent. Sigh.........Okay, I am grateful.
But on second thought, can I get a maid? Please??? Just for today???
Enjoy your day,
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
(This isn’t really a ‘a blog’.....more like a 'BLURB'...Enjoy!!)
“Friends are like cupcakes in my pantry of memories.”
“Look at a cupcake and you just can’t help but smile.”
“One cupcake is equal to a thousand words.”
“If I’m a type of food, then I want to be a cupcake.
Because then I am cute, petite and delicious! “
“Make cupcakes ...not war!!”
And my favorite:
“Seize the moment. Remember all those women on the Titanic who waved off the dessert cart.”
My 6 yr old reminded me of something simple today. I had to run to Target. The boys didn't want to go so I let their sister keep them while I was gone. I was probably gone about 50 minutes total. When I walked in the door, my 6 yr old ran to me like I had been gone for a week. His little arms were held out, his eyes wide and a smile like he hadn't seen me in months. He jumped into my arms, wrapped his legs around me and hugged me for a long, long time....complete with about 50 kisses. WOW!! I sure felt loved and missed!
He headed back up to the playroom to play trains and I thought about his sweet actions. It wasn't the first time he had done that. He does it every morning when he wakes up, when I pick him up from school, if he has just been in another room playing.....he ALWAYS looks at me like "IT'S YOU!!!! I AM SO GLAD IT IS YOU!!"
I want to treat those I love like that.......like I have missed them, like I am so glad to see them, like my day has just been made complete by getting to hug their neck and tell them I love them....whether it has been months or minutes since I saw them.
I know how it can make somebody feel....treasured.
I'm beginning to think that Little T's baseball obsession is not so much about the game....but about the 'outfit'. You have to know that if he could wear a baseball uniform daily,(to school or church), he would. So tonight, CoCo has a band concert, so we can't make Big T's game. Little T was to say the least....VERY UPSET!!!
But later....he comes up to me and says: "Mom, if I can't go to the baseball game...can I at LEAST wear my baseball uniform to the concert???" Me: "Sure." :0) He's coordinating his uniform right now....it all has to look SHARP!! LOL
And YES...he'll ask me if he looks okay. Not sure WHERE he gets THAT from.
If there is such a thing as 'shower training'...Little T, our 6 yr old, started his tonight....i.e...how to turn on water...make sure it's not too hot...adjust it a bit, etc. THEN pull the plunger up for the shower; you know, the basics.
I had to do this because the other night the tub water was turned on for him and before we got back in there, he was standing there under the shower head (which was still off) and just staring at it, Coach Dad walked in and says 'What are you doing?'.....
Little T: "Waiting for it to come on!!!!!" (Hence, the shower training, see?) Then Coach Dad turned it on for him...and he says: (Very..relaxingly..) "AHHHHHH, IT'S LIKE RAIN!!!!!!!"
The joys of a new shower....HOPE THEY LAST!!!!! :0)
I read this in church this evening......I hope that 'Blogging in Church' is not a violation of the '14th Commandment' or anything. ;-) It was a preface to the song I was lead to sing in church.
You may have to pretend you are sitting in the congregation for this to make sense.
All three of my kids were involved in this process and helped me tremendously. G
My #1 one rule for myself when singing in front of the church is…..
"Don’t SAY anything….Just sing the song you are supposed to sing and get off of the podium." :0)
I don’t LIKE to talk in front of people. However, I started a Mom blog with a friend 2 days ago….
so basically I’m not TALKING right now…. I’m ‘blogging’…..so that makes it okay. You just get it read out loud by the author.
Rule 2: Pick a song that is relevant to life at the moment and that will touch who needs to be touched.
(Blog readers: There are several things that occured this week to try and keep me from singing this Sunday....This is just a breakdown of it all.....)
Our song leader at church sent me a text me on Wednesday afternoon….(I have it in my phone still)….
“Will you sing this Sunday PM and Sept 12 AM? Let me know.”
After no thought about it, I sent back…. “That should be fine.” He sent back, “Thanks… …Praying for you.” I said, “Back at ya.” ;-)
So I immediately start thinking of what song I knew that I could work up quickly because there was a lot going on this weekend. “I Will Rise”-Chris Tomlin came to my mind….the kids and I sing it CONSTANTLY in the car…and maybe get 'Little T' to sing with me because he does so well in the car. (FYI….He said “NO” on Saturday…because too many people would be looking at him…AND mainly because he’s only 6). So, with limited time to get the song ready for church…this was the plan…..
Plan A: After our 10 year old, 'Big T', had a double header on Saturday, I’d take him school shopping and go by Mardel (where he wanted to look at shirts anyway and grab the backup CD and since I already knew the words. Easy, peasy, right???? NOPE. No sound track to that song available on the shelf…and no time to find it elsewhere and still get school shopping done.
Plan B: Grab 4 background CD’s off the shelf….continue that pattern until I find one that I want to sing. So, I did just that. I shut 'Big T' in the little room with me, explained to him what I was looking for and started the first one. Me: "No..that’s not it.”….put it in the NO stack.
2nd CD: “A Mighty Fortress” by North Point Live….I’m not sure why I pulled that one, however, I started listening and singing (the words are included), not even having ever heard the song before. I finished up and 'Big T' said, “I like that one.” I said: “Me too.”
We went on to listen to two more….The 3rd one was Rascal Flatts song named “My Wish”….I listened and sang to that one just because I like it and I had a captive audience. ;-)
The 4th one was “I Believe in Prayer” by HisSong. This one was brand new to me too. I’ve never heard it before, but it would eventually end up as the runner-up and I could go ahead and buy it and make up my mind later.
I also chose a 5th one to listen to…”Indescribable”….which I also knew all the words to from the Christian praise CD we listen to in the car, but didn’t feel like it was ‘the one’….but wanted it anyway for another song to sing later.
I went to the counter with “A Mighty Fortress” and “I Believe in Prayer” and “Indescribable”…….then decided against purchasing “Indescribable” at the last minute. That left two to choose between.
More school shopping and by then, we were worn out and headed home and listened to those two on the way, trying to chose then, with the help of 'Big T', of course…..and he never asked to listen to anything else, surprisingly.
When we finally got home, I was so tired and my back wasn’t doing well, so I took two muscle relaxers and headed to bed. I told my daughter, 'CoCo', that I needed help picking between two songs for Sunday night and explained what I wanted to sing about…and handed them over to her for her opinion. She chose “A Mighty Fortress”.
Sunday morning…."Little T" reiterates that he really doesn’t want to sing with me, but he’ll practice with me in the car. "Okay"…(big hug for him), but I said, “It’s fine because I’m singing another song.” At that point, he asked if he could pick which one I sang. I said, ”Okay” and laid both CD’s on the table in front of him and told him the title of each one. He did a little pointing game and then put his finger on “A Mighty Fortress”…..I’m not sure if he even knows what a ‘fortress’ is. 4th opinion…same as the first 3.
Now…..so that you know what happened previously to Saturday……
Friday morning, everything was fine. Then, I leaned over to turn on a water faucet outside and strained my back. It tightens up every time I sit down for any length of time….STILL.
Saturday morning, I start losing my voice. Therefore, I couldn’t cheer at the 2 ballgames or sit down for very long.
Early this morning around 2:00 a.m., my muscle relaxer wears off. I’m wide awake until 6:00 am contemplating all of what I’ve just told you, and FIGHTING against the urge to relate all of this to the whole church. Around 6 a.m. when I decided that I WOULD relate this….I finally went to sleep. Then, wide awake again at 7:30….wow!
I have one more thing you need to know. During the game, I told a precious family/church friend that the song I planned to sing wasn’t what I thought I SHOULD sing, so she suggested a ‘topic’ only. I went with that. Those 4 words just happen to be in this song.
So….this all could be chalked up to ‘random acts of whatever’, or it may be GOD's hand in helping me make it up here tonight. I’m going with that. So since the concensus from ALL angles was “A Mighty Fortress”, I hope it blesses someone else tonight, because it has blessed me. And by the way, Satan....you just lost the game!
Welcome to Chaos 'N Cupcakes! So excited to be starting this little adventure with "G" and thanks to Mike for "cookin'" the whole thing up! Blessed by you both!
My job of "Mom" is one of the things I am most grateful for in my life. Such rewards come with the title! There are the not so fun ones: discipline, taking care of sick kiddos, schedules, restrictions, having eyes in the back of your head, hammering the "golden rule" into their memory for life, unclean rooms, messy house......you get the picture. However, the GREAT rewards of unconditional love, bear hugs, sticky hand love pats, sweaty kid kisses, dandelion flower bouquets, "just for you, Mom" drawings and the list goes on and on of all the blessings I receive from my little peeps.
At my house, we are in the stage of "chaos". A corporate husband, hectic Mom and kids ages 6, 9 and 12 - each in activities and we are in a city where everything is very far apart thus, we live in the car. (Contemplating on packing toothbrushes and underwear in case we don't make it home one night. :) ) My husband and I conquer and divide the pickup/dropoff schedules and there are times when we all end up at home at the same time....rarely, but it happens.
I have learned that when we all seem to be scattered or doing our own thing at home and I feel like we need to pull in the reins, I can say "wanna make some cupcakes?" and they all come running into the kitchen. I have their undivided attention for a little while - while we bake and frost......and eat. ;) My little sneaky way of getting them to come and be with me, to learn about what is really, truly happening in their little lives (they will tell you anything if offered buttercream frosting.)
Funny thing that over the years, our cupcake making has gone from making HUGE messes to some beautiful little pieces of art which reminds me of the journey of being a Mom. It starts out kinda messy but as the years pass by and the experienced is gained, I think we become great pieces of art in our own right.
A few days ago, my daughter spent hours frosting and arranging sprinkles "just so". Presenting her platter of beautiful cupcakes, she said, "Mom, my cupcakes are getting better!"......yes they are, my sweet, yes they are.......and you are growing up......let's make another batch, want to?
Just taking a minute to thank our 'blog master mind', MIKE aka 'The Cupcake Maker'....who not only is training us from afar....WAY AFAR, pretty much by chat, & e-mail,......but encouraged us relentlessly to start blogging in the first place.
He's enduring numerous changes of the female mind(s), 'unlimited editing' comments from yours truly...and has never deleted us as 'Friends' on Facebook. Yippy!!!!
LYG, Mike!!!!! The below song is for you, Cupcake Maker!!!!
(P.S. Yes...I'm doing all this on my own.....So IF it doesn't work....
Pretty please fix it???) Two thumbs up to you from K & G!!
On behalf of the owners of this blog...."K" & "G".......WE PRESENT OUR 'FIRST POST EVER'!!!!!
G: As I was thinking to myself...."Self, how do we get this thing going the very best way?" My Self said...."Let's just jump in with both feet and see what happens." I agreed. So....Let's go!!!!!
The quote that I found today for my Facebook status (yes, as stated..we ARE addicts) was this:
"We are most nearly ourselves when we achieve the seriousness of a child at play."~~~Heraclitus
I LOVE that.....I prefer playing in the 'sandbox' to the chores of everyday life at ANY time. However....we have to keep the world around us in tact at the same time.....such is the job of 'MOM'.
This blog is just a sounding board where we can share our precious childrens' 'words of whimsy' and 'random acts of whatever'. So hang on...the things they come up with are worth the time usually...okay...... ALWAYS!!!!!! Thanks for joining us on this expedition..... AND HANG ON WITH BOTH HANDS....IT'S GONNA BE A WILD RIDE. G