Thursday, October 14, 2010

But Just Wait......

     I woke up to a major thunderstorm this morning and it continued until time to take my boys to school.  The drive to school is about 15 minutes and goes down a windy road that is thick with trees.   Today, the drive was definitely slower as the rain was coming down hard.  I was driving about 25-30 mph because it was hard to see.  The boys were quiet in the back looking out the windows.  My oldest says, "Boy!  It is really raining hard!"  I agreed.  On down the road the raindrops were coming down harder and I had to slow down even more.  From the back, Big B says "Now it is even raining harder!" and my 6 year old says, "Yes it is - but just wait.....the rainbow will be here soon!  It always comes after the rain."

 WOW!!!  I love it when God kicks the door of opportunity wide open like that!!  The last few minutes of the drive were spent talking about rainbows and God's promises and how He ALWAYS keeps his promises....He will never break them and we can stand on the promises He makes to us.  I am always touched when I can hear, in childlike terms, that my kids are "getting it".  The boys started talking about how God can make everything better even after it seems dark and bad (like a storm).  Little B said, "Yep, He always gives us the rainbow - you just have to wait until the sun peeks through the clouds."  Wow....

     So today I am thankful for the storm this morning, the hard raindrops, the slow drive among trees just starting to show their fall colors and little boys who get "it".  Thank you, God, for your promises and the proof of them.                                                              

Here's to the sun "peeking" through your clouds today,                                           

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