Wednesday, October 20, 2010


The other day, Big T had Little T around the waist and was lifting him up to look in a full length mirror.
His question to Little T was....."HEY, do you wanna see what it feels like to be 'MY' TALL?????" :)

I thought that was really cute.   Trying to show his little brother what it felt like to be bigger....Even though Little T "THINKS" he's big enough to run with the big boys already.....and usually does. 

Now.....since I'm only 5'3.....I would like my 5'10 daughter to lift me up so I can see what 'HER' tall is like.   I want to see if there is a climate change or something.  ;-)

'Lifting' you up..... ;-)


  1. I so love this! And that picture is awesome! Your girl is 5'10"??? Where did that come from? Sweet story. Thanks for sharing.

  2. K...she says she's 5'10"....that's with no shoes. She is banned from wearing heels around me....EVER!!!! I feel like a munchkin when she does that. LOL

    At least she got her blonde hair from me. Height from Dad and his side. She gets tired of being asked if she plays basketball.
    She says: "No I don' you work for Willie Wonka??" :D
    Nothing wrong with being a very talented TALL musician. Flute & piano. :-)
    Have a great day!!
