Monday, October 18, 2010


     This post has absolutely nothing to do with kids and everything to do with a husband.  My husband and I have been together for about 23 years, married almost 18 so we know each other pretty well.  Yesterday morning I left early for church because my 2 older kids volunteer - one in the 5 yr old class and the other on the "Exalt" team which is the kids worship team.  I have a little time where I just sit and wait before I go to church so I took everything with me to make the 38 Halloween treat bags for one of my daughter's competitive cheer teams.  Sitting in my car, I finished up the last bag and realized I didn't have anything to take them to the gym in.  I mean, I had a Target or WalMart sack but I needed something cute.  I checked the clock and knew my husband hadn't left home to to head to church so I called him:
"Hey, can you please do me a favor?"
"Can you pick me out a cute Fall or Halloween bag to put all of these treats in and bring it to me at church?"  Dead silence.
"I'm want me to pick out a CUTE bag and bring it to you?"
" head up to the 2nd floor storage and there is a big blue Rubbermaid bucket...."
He interrupts: "Oh! (sigh of relief) So you are gonna tell me where to find this cute bag?" 
"yes.....head upstairs...."
He interrupts again:  "So, I am not going to have to determine the "cute factor" on my own?"
"No.....head upstairs....." and I hear a whispered "Thank God".
 I have tears at this point I am laughing so hard.  So he FINALLY gets upstairs and digs around where I instruct and finds the 2 bags I had in mind and he says, "Are you sure you want these two?"
"Yes, why?"
"Because they don't look very cute to me."
I lost it, had to hang up I was laughing so hard.  Thankfully, he arrived right on time with cute bags in hand.  Gotta love him. :) 

Have a "cute" day,

1 comment:

  1. I think it would've been more fun for all of us if you had sent him to the store..just because. LOL
    Nice 'cute' story. Not sure I would've been that brave to 'find' one in my house.
    Have a great Monday!!!!
